+Jed, I have not seen much entrepreneurial spirit in your comments here. I
did not know you were an entrepreneur - you hide that well. You are a
believer in the governments ability to innovate and run business. Sorry,
but it sounds to me as the opposite.
However, I might be wrong about your entrepreneurial skills. I am sure that
you are dead wrong when it comes to Rossi's entrepreneurial spirits. I
might not know much about caliometry but I know an entrepreneur when I see
one in action. Suddenly I thought maybe you are as poor judging the other
information you have? Well, that is speculation as you keep your info
If that info is as bad as your constant repeating that Rossi padlocked the
door. Then you have nada. IH was not allowed to customer's site already in
Take a look at Rossi - a real entrepreneur and as such pron to be
overoptimistic and even overstate his accomplishment. No, it is not as
prudent as required by academic standard. However, that is why
entrepreneurs rather than professors take as a giant step here and there.
Judgement of Rossi is certainly still too early. I hope he has much more
than you give him credit for. I am not going to be disappointed if he did
not achieve the numbers he has claimed.I admit there are several not so
clear messages from Rossi but that is to be expected. It is too little info
to make judgement.
Wait and see. The reality is what it is and the value in labeling people is
close to zero.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros

+1 916 436 1899

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and
enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass. (PJM)

On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 7:52 AM, a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Jed,
> Your comment “I do not think Rossi is mad. I think he is in it for the
> money” is an ad hominem that serves no useful purpose.  If Rossi were in
> it for the money he could have retired long ago.  He is now 66.  He
> started by putting close to $1 million of his own money in the project from
> the sale of his engine business.
> You go on again about Rossi not allowing IH into the customer’s building
> and even pad locking it.  IH agreed not to enter that building in writing
> and that the customer had a proprietary process is at least as plausible as
> that it was fraud.
> What I have read was that IH were about to remove Rossi’s 1MW plant and
> that was why Rossi locked his part of the building.  Not that he locked
> the customer’s side.  IH had no right to enter that without the
> customer’s permission.
> We have visited measuring the  performance of a black box several times
> already.  Your statement about having to know how the generated heat is
> dissipated is not true.  Not being able to see that is no PROOF of fraud.
> You imply that there is nothing wrong with you having secret information
> but it is wrong when Rossi does.
> I see you later repeated your claim.  “Rossi is a fraud. He has nothing.
> His machine does not work”   The problem is you have NOT presented proof
> for this.

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