a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

I don't KNOW that Rossi has anything.  No one outside his team does.

I am outside of his team, and I know he has nothing. Anyone who read his
statement to Lewan about blocking the door can see he has nothing. That
plus his magically round numbers show he has nothing. Plus I have seen
additional evidence.

>   I think it likely that he does because of what he has demonstrated and
> that others have reproduced to some extent.

Absolutely true!!! Anyone can reproduce it with an electric heater. There
is no excess heat.

   Also his E-Cats can get a COP in the range 2 - 6.

No, they do not. The COP is around 0.6 to 0.8, ignoring heat losses from
the reactor.

>   No one will know until more information is available.

Information was made available to I.H. long ago. They saw no excess heat.
Read their press released and motion to dismiss. Why do you believe Rossi
more than you believe I.H.? What possible basis do you have to think he is
telling the truth, when you know he has lied about mass production and much
else over the years?

> I think it is wrong to attack Rossi with the oft repeated ad hominem
> attacks.

Rossi has attacked himself more effectively than anyone else could. Nothing
I can say about him is one-tenth as damaging as his own admission that he
did not allow access to the customer site.

> I give him the benefit of the doubt about what he says unless facts prove
> otherwise.

Benefit of what doubt? His own magically round numbers and facts disprove

   I find him to be a remarkable, tenacious man and wish him well.

I hope he gets another jail term. I wish he was not already stealing money
from new victims in Europe, but alas he seems to be doing that.

- Jed

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