Eric Walker <> wrote:

We don't have more than a vague clue what was said and by whom, sitting in
> the peanut gallery.

I.H. has not said much, but their statements have been clear.

> For example, IH might have told the ERV that his proposal for
> instrumentation wasn't satisfactory before the test started, and that IH
> didn't accept the test.

They explained what happened. Rossi departed "from the purported test plan."

Rossi also made it clear what happened in his interview with Lewan. He
blocked them from the customer site, and he & Penan refused to allow the
I.H. expert to do what the expert "insisted" on. You have Rossi's own word
for the fact that he was in charge, he set the rules, and he refused to do
things that I.H. demanded of him.

I do not know how he ended up with so much power, in control of the
situation, but that is what happened. That is what he said, and what I.H.

I have the impression I.H. was bending over backwards, trying to make him
see the light and act reasonably. I think they gave him one opportunity
after another. That is only an impression, but based on it, I thought he
might fix the problems. I was hoping he would. I was disappointed to learn
on March 10 that the two sides still disagreed.

Close to the end, I still hoped things would turn out okay. That is why I
signed up for Lewan's symposium.

- Jed

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