Horace Heffner wrote:
It seems to me, to understand the "planes around the earth problem" quantitative data is needed. In the absence of such data, it seems reasonable to me that the differences in time can be ascribed in part to the fact the earth clock is rotating. If the earth were not rotating, and the earth had no mass, then the two traveling clocks should show the same final time upon return, and that time should be less than the earth's clock, due to the acceleration the traveling clocks experience.

Indeed, that's what SR predicts.

If all you want is the answer, and if you're willing to assume a "Styrofoam Earth" (no gravity), then there's an easy trick to find all the time rates and final clock readings: Take the point of view of a hypothetical _stationary_ observer at the center of the Earth. Then the clock rates of all three revolving clocks can be computed trivially: they're just 1/gamma times the base rate, where "gamma" is determined by looking at their velocity as observed by the "man in the middle".

In this case, gravity just adds a fudge factor which causes "lower" clocks to run slower; for aircraft flying in the atmosphere versus someone standing on the surface, a net altitude difference of about 0.1%, I suspect the "gravity correction" is dwarfed by the other effects.

The fact that all three clocks differ must be due in part to the fact the clock going against the earth's rotation must experience much greater accelerations to make the trip, assuming the trips are made in about the same length of time, or assuming that they are made as orbital flights.
It takes much more energy and acceleration to perform an east-to-west launch than a west-to-east launch, both on take-off and landing.

In a steady state orbital situation, a coasting situation, it is interesting as to which clock might be advancing more rapidly, the earth clock, the east-to-west satellite, or the west-to-east satellite. From the satellite's perspectives, they should experience no acceleration during this interval, while the earth based clock, if in an enclosed box or not, would be, by Einstein's equivalence principle, experiencing acceleration.
It thus seems that the longer the flights last, the more time the orbiting clocks should gain over the earth clock. There should not be any *final* difference between the two orbiting clocks due to this coasting part of the journey. Final here means when all three clocks are brought back together.

Bang-on.  Right again.  No prob.

But wait -- your counter-orbiting clocks are _in_ _orbit_ which means they're traveling at the same speed RELATIVE TO A FIXED OBSERVER! On the other hand, the two aircraft in the Sagnac experiment went around the Earth at fixed speed RELATIVE TO THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH. From the POV of a fixed observer, the one going east was going faster than the one going west, by a non-trivial amount. If the planes had nominal airspeeds of 500 mph, then the man in the middle saw the eastbound plane going east at 1500 MPH, while the "westbound" plane was actually _also_ going EAST (flying backwards!) at about 500 MPH. Since the eastbound plane was going 3 times as fast as the westbound plane, of course its clock ran slower.

Again, figure the problem from the point of view of a non-moving observer at the center of the earth, and the difference is obvious. The confusion sets in when we look at it from a frame of reference attached to the Earth's surface.

I have to wonder what the data actually looks like.

Me, too.

Horace Heffner

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