On 08/07/2016 01:31 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

On 08/07/2016 01:06 PM, Che wrote:

On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 12:42 PM, a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net <mailto:a.ashfi...@verizon.net>> wrote:

    What will you say if Rossi has a commercial 1 MW plant up and
    running before the trial?

Good joke.  Hah hah!

What will you sat if the the sky is suddenly full of ships, and it turns out it's an alien invasion, and the only one they'll negotiate with is Rossi? You'll *all* be talking out of the other sides of your mouths, when that happens!

How many years go by with a lack of even definitive 'proof-of-concept' -- let alone the World being presented with a 'wiz-bang' working prototype -- from these social sorts? I truly want to believe in Rossi & Co... but we keep being systematically disappointed. Year after year after year. After decade.

How much of this pathology could be FUD and sabotage, really..?

We're STILL waiting for Orbo to prove itself in some spectacular, definitive way, for that matter. So they have a cellphone charger... now. Finally. But what is that. Really. What _is_ it..?

Orbo? You mean, from Steorn? The dude with the battery powered perpetual motion machines?

That one works really well, in fact -- it has generated investment dollars for Steorn, fleeced from people who don't know any better, and that's its entire purpose in life. And Steorn has managed to avoid the kind of massive, public debacle that Rossi's gotten himself into with the 1 MW unit, which suggests he's a more skilful conman than Rossi.

'Scuse me, I meant Shawn is a better conman than Rossi, not "Steorn"; Steorn is just the company name. It's been rather a while since this guy was last in the news and I'm bad with names.

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