Your earlier defense was that Murray was an expert. Also, that I wasn't there. You weren't there either and are just relying on hear say. What other "experts" were on the case? Murray was the one who wrote Dr. Penon.

On 8/7/2016 11:56 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
a.ashfield < <>> wrote:

    It appears Murray's expertise is in electronics, although Jed
    claims he is an expert on stains...

Oh give me a break. I never said anything like that. Do you think Murray is the only person assigned to this? If you had a billion dollars, and someone was threatening you with a $267 million lawsuit, would you hire one and only one person to do every aspect of the technical analysis? Or would you go to and find people who are experts in stains and other aspects of the problem?

- Jed

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