a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

> In view of the above information on Mr. Murray, why do you think he is an
> expert engineer . . .

I know he is. But it does not take a rocket scientist super expert to
compare the minimum flow rate shown on the face plate with the data in the
log book. Even I had no trouble doing that.

Also, it does not take an expert to see that the same flow rate was
recorded every day, even on days when the log book showed the reactor was
turned off and disassembled. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to see
that's mighty suspicious!

> and Dr. Penon, who has rated nuclear power plants, is an idiot?

Based on his reports and data, I think he is one of the stupidest people I
have ever encountered. I think if he does not cooperate with the
authorities and admit the customer site was faked, and much of his data was
faked, he may end up in jail. I think anyone who would record a flow rate
of 36,000 kg and 1 MW of excess heat on days when the log book shows the
reactor was turned off and disassembled -- and when witnesses saw it was
turned off -- is extraordinarily stupid. I would say he is Rossi's lab dog.
I suspect Rossi is hoping to pin the blame on Penon and send him to jail,
instead of going himself.

 - Jed

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