You appear to be missing the point here.   It amazes me that you seem to 
believe that gas phase LENR is possible but for some reason are certain that 
Rossi does not see any extra heat generation.   I would conclude that gas phase 
LENR is likely not possible what so ever if Rossi's system does not generate 
some excess heat.   The question is how much does he produce?  There is 
evidence of excess heat generation during his earlier demonstrations that I 
consider reasonably sound.

And, his structure makes a great deal of sense to many of us.   Surely you 
realize that the active mixture must be heated in order to initiate the 
reaction.  And, once a reaction takes off, it can be controlled by modulating 
the input drive power.  I fail to understand why you believe that the internal 
heater is not required?  That is not to suggest that an external heat source 
could not be substituted in an alternate configuration.

I am curious about how you would construct a gas phase system that is 
practical?  What would be the three dimensional shape that you would choose, 
the type of heating employed, active material, etc.?  Once you begin the actual 
engineering of the device you will find that Rossi is not totally out in left 

Should I say it again?  I have serious doubts about whether or not Rossi is 
making the 1 MW that he claims in his current system.  And, I want to 
understand how the meters might be hiding the real results if they in fact are 
wrong.  There must be a good explanation in science that we can find if we 
think about the problem and eventually get the data from him.  This new 
knowledge will guide us in the future in case others become confused in a 
similar manner.  I hate guessing if the truth can be determined.





-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen A. Lawrence <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 9, 2016 12:58 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Problems with Rossi's flow meter described in court document

    You don't seem to get it.
    Rossi has been shown to be lying and fabricating results.
    ROSSI is not to be believed.  His "experiments" are consequently    
worthless, because the basic assumption of good faith, on which all    
conventional analysis of experiments ultimately rests, is gone.
    This has nothing to do with gas-phase LENR, which has looked    promising 
ever since it was first tried, in Italy, IIRC, a few    decades ago.  
Unfortunately Rossi has totally muddied the water with    his Rube Goldberg 
machine which apparently has as its single purpose    to provide a (bogus) 
justification for including a heater within the    reactor, which makes all of 
his results a little harder to believe    right from the get-go.  Wet LENR 
requires a power source to drive    the electrolysis, which hairs up the 
analysis, but it's    unavoidable.  Gas-phase LENR, OTOH, doesn't naturally 
require a    power source; Rossi's claims that his machine was "too dangerous" 
to    operate WITHOUT a heater inside rang false to start with and    nothing's 
made it sound any better since.
    People lie, scammers exist.  Once you've figured out that's what    you're 
dealing with, you should understand that you have *no* good    information on 
anything about his "experiments" and any analysis is    unlikely to get you 
anything useful.
On 08/09/2016 12:43 AM, David Roberson      wrote:
As I stated, I have many concerns about his system.           On the other 
hand, I have a much more positive belief that          some form of nickel, 
hydrogen, lithium gas system might          generate additional heat.  As long 
as that possibility exists          within my mind I fail to see how Rossi's 
experiment would be          completely invalid. 
          Are you convinced that LENR is not a real phenomena?  If so, I        
  will understand why you are taking the position that Rossi          
absolutely can not be believed.  That is OK, everyone is          entitled to 
their beliefs.
          If it becomes clear to me that my attempts to uncover a          
scientific explanation of how someone might be scamming an          experiment
    I don't understand what you mean by that.
    He lies about meter readings, about power input, about flow rate,    about 
the phase (gas or liquid) of the water in his system.
    What's to "learn" or "uncover" here?  How to be a world-class liar?     
Humans have evolved that ability over millions of years; we're    mostly pretty 
good at it.
    The "physics" of his experiments, if any, is utterly uninteresting    
because it is entirely lost in the smoke he blows in order to    conceal what 
he's actually doing.  And it's vanishingly unlikely    that the "physics" 
involves anything deeper than V=IR plus a bit of    misdirection while he 
switches samples in order to fool the rubes.
    Gas-phase LENR is worthwhile and deserves to be explore further.     
Rossi's so-called ECAT, on the other hand, isn't, and *any* attempt    at 
guiding exploration of gas-phase LENR using Rossi's "results" is    wasted 
 is wasting time for 'everyone' on this list, I will          refrain from that 
          You may not remember that I have contributed to the resolution        
  of many important issues in the past.  Also, I have          constructed 
thermal system models that yield quite interesting          results that you 
can find in the list archives if interested.
    YOUR VALUE is not in question.  The value of doing anything    more with 
ROSSI (and, indeed, Rossi's value) most certainly IS in    question.
    There is no need to "resolve" this issue.  It's already resolved.     The 
only thing to be "resolved" is the deep denial in which a number    of members 
of Vortex are still residing.

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