a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

I now read that all the ERV's equipment was connected to his computer and
> recorded the readings electronically. It will be interesting to compare the
> data logged with what Jed is claiming

I am not claiming anything about computer data. I do not know anything
about such data.

As far as I can tell this flowmeter is not electronic, so it could not be
connected to anything. Perhaps I have misread the brochure. The only
version I can find is an Polish. Anyway, I am sure this was Penon's
instrument, because the Exhibit 5 letter is addressed to Penon. So if he
had a computer log, I guess the flow rate was not part of it. I do not see
any other flowmeters in the schematic but perhaps there was one.

> Engineer48, who has direct contacy with Rossi, writes:
> "Rossi told me this meter registers zero for backflow.

No one asserts there was backflow. I do not see how there could have been.

> The flow is very constant as the big prime and multiple smaller top up
> pumps all have multiple 1 way valves and micro computer controlled flow
> regulation against varying pressure.

I suggest you take what Rossi says with a grain of salt. He is not a
reliable source of information.

- Jed

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