
There supposedly is raw data, which AR as referred to as millions of data
points.  Unfortunately, if this data exists, it was never shared with IH by
either Fabiani or Penon despite multiple requests and contractual
obligations.  I suspect if we could ever get our hands on this data, it
would be very useful in figuring out what happened.  That assumes it exists.

Fabiani refused to turn it over from what I can tell even when he would
have received his last check for doing so (according to IH's
counterclaims).  Penon wouldn't answer legitimate questions by Murray about
the flow meter and why the report showed 1MW output on days when the plant
was down.

I would expect this to be subpoenaed by the court, so maybe we'll see it
some day.


On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 12:00 PM David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> Jed, do your sources confirm that the readings were made on a daily basis
> and not calculated at the end of the experiment?  Does the flow meter reset
> its total reading at the end of each day?  Lewan says that the average was
> 36000 kg/day which can be derived in many different ways.
> Suppose you read a large number after the completion of the test.  If you
> divide that large number by the number of days during which the test takes
> place you will likely get a fractional value.  Now, if rounded off to the
> 1000 kg reading step size you might get 36000 kg/day.  Could that be what
> the guys did?
> We can eliminate that possibility if you can confirm that the meter was
> reset each day after the reading was taken.  Can you verify this occurred?
> I am attempting to uncover what actually took place during the testing and
> do not have a horse in the race.  This should not be a controversial
> question.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Tue, Aug 9, 2016 9:38 am
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Problems with Rossi's flow meter described in court
> document
> David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:
> I would hope that you could be convinced that Rossi is telling the truth
>> if he were to present a solid scientific proof to that fact.  Is that not
>> giving him the benefit of the doubt?  Can anyone be 100% confident that he
>> is completely lying?
> Yes, I am 100% confident he is lying. Take Exhibit 5. If Rossi or Penon
> had legitimate answers to the issues raised in that document, they would
> have answered them. They had a contractual obligation to answer, and it
> would have been in their interests to do so. They did not respond at all.
> That tells me they have no answers and the damning assertions made in that
> document are correct. I have other proof of that. Independent observers
> told me these assertions are correct.
> I am also certain there was not 1 MW of waste heat coming out of the
> customer site.
> I have seen Penon's data, and I confirm it has 36,000 kg in every day, for
> weeks. As I explained here, that is impossible. If you reset the counter to
> zero every day it might go past 36,000 every day, for example, to 36,410,
> 36,228, etc., and with this meter that would show up as 36,000 every day.
> Except when daylight savings changes. But that is not what happened.
> 32,000 may be a reasonable approximation of what the meter showed, but it
> is definitely made-up data that was stuffed into the tables.
> - Jed

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