The flow meter used only seems to read out visually in integer m^3 with a
mechanical digital roll-over indicator (probably readable to 1/2 digit).
However, the flow meter is available optionally with a pulse output that
apparently pulses for each 0.5 liter passing.  Do we know if there was
electronic acquisition of the flow count?  If so, this electronic measure
of the flow would be in increments of 0.5 liter even though the mechanical
digital roll-over meter indicates in increments of 1000 liters.

On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 12:16 PM, a.ashfield <> wrote:

> I now read that all the ERV's equipment was connected to his computer and
> recorded the readings electronically. It will be interesting to compare the
> data logged with what Jed is claiming
> Engineer48, who has direct contacy with Rossi, writes:
> "Rossi told me this meter registers zero for backflow.
> The flow is very constant as the big prime and multiple smaller top up
> pumps all have multiple 1 way valves and micro computer controlled flow
> regulation against varying pressure.
> The engineers basically dial in / program the pumps for 1,500kg/hr and
> that is what the condensate circulation system pumps deliver, 24/7/365."
> Weaver told Engineer48 that they had lost tract of the reactors IH shipped
> to Lugano.   - Unbelievable.
> Remember the E-Cat underwent trials at IH before commuting to the 1 MW
> plant and it was Rossi, not IH who filed the suit in court.  If the E-Cats
> never worked why would Rosssi shut down some to repair them?
> What with IH claiming Vaughn was not a manager at Cherokee and the mistake
> riddled Exhibit 5 no wonder Cherokee has spent big bucks to retain APCO and
> Jones-Day...  In essence, Ih have not provide any hard evidence to show the
> 1 MW plant didn't work and that should have been easy if it didn't without
> taking 66 pages.of legalese, speculating on possibilities and ad hominems.

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