Peter Gluck <> wrote:

> I would publish with great pleasure your opinion
> papers re the ERV Daily Valuation Report of the 1MW 1 year test.

You did not describe what data you mean. It is here, in document 128-01 -
Exhibit 1.pdf :

This data is complete bullshit. It describes physically impossible
phenomena, such as a factory in a perfect vacuum with a pressure 0.0 bar,
and water that is exactly the same temperature to the nearest tenth-degree
every day for weeks. The instruments used to collect this data were
completely wrong for the task, and the configuration made it impossible to
use any instruments properly. The major problems were described in Exhibit
5 at the above website:

124-06 - Exhibit 5.pdf

This data proves beyond question that the 1-year test was fraud. It was
inept fraud, which anyone with a half a brain can see at a glance. People
such as Peter Gluck are incapable of seeing it because they are mesmerized
by Rossi, and deluded by wishful thinking.

- Jed

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