There is a class of devices known as "magnetic amplifiers" that were used
in the 40's and 50's as a reliable means of power control before the
transistor became available.  Somewhere I think I have a book or report on
how these devices were designed and used.  This device relied on the
nonlinear B-H characteristic of the magnetic core and was able to use a
small DC current to control a much larger AC current.  Here is a Wikipedia
link for magnetic amplifiers:

The Manelas device may have created an over-unity magnetic amplifier
effect.  Where the energy for over-unity comes from is, as Brian suggests,
completely open.  It could be some kind of coupling to the ZPE.  For those
of us who believe that Don Hotson had it right in his description of the
epo ether (based on solution to Dirac's equation), the magnetic field may
provide a means to couple to the Dirac sea ether.  This ether is also
coupled to everything else, including the Earth, and sun.  Perhaps the
Manelas device is coupling energy out of the Earth's rotation or revolution
around the sun - who knows.

If Brian has witnessed clear over-unity behavior, it sounds like a
phenomenon worth investigation.  But... we have to be careful.  I had a lab
technician declare that the L-C matching circuit he was working on had
produced over-unity, when in fact, it only had voltage gain and no power
gain (actually a small loss).  It sounds from Brian's description of energy
being taken out continuously for a long period of time that actual power
gain was observed.

Bob Higgins

On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 7:42 AM, Brian Ahern <> wrote:

> I think we LENRers have too many preconceptions about the mechanism. I am
> admittedly clueless.
> The large billet with its conditioned fields seems to be the central item.
> There were three sets of orthoganol windings. Presumably a signal was
> admitted to one or two of them and amplified power  coming from the third
> winding.
> It is acting as a transformer that is extracting energy from the magnetic
> interactions.

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