Barium ferrite is a topological insulator. Unlike other types of magnets,
Barium ferrite does not conduct electricity.  It also has a characteristic
 known as perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA). This situation
originates from the inherent magneto-crystalline anisotropy of the
insulator and not the interfacial anisotropy in other situations.  As a
Mott insulator, it possesses strong spin orbit coupling. This
characteristic produces a log jam of electrons that stops current from

See for details,

Research reveals novel quantum state in strange insulating materialsFebruary
9, 2017

As a Mott insulator, Barium ferrite also has another characteristic
called linear
magnetoresistance (LMR). The origin of the LMR in this case is likely
related to small density variations throughout the solid which cannot be
avoided in conventional material growth techniques. This leads to a
contribution of a linear Hall resistance caused by the Lorentz force
in a magnetic
field <> on a moving electron on the
measured magnetoresistance.

Read more at:

The origin of linear magnetoresistance—exotic or classical?

IMHO, the differences in the two types of magnetic materials used in the
Sweet system and the Manelas system make operating quantum mechanical
mechanisms of these two systems different.

Finally, a magnetizing coil wrapped around the edge of the magnetic billet
will produce a field where the edges of the billet demonstrates a south
pole. This is because the field lines nearest the magnetizing coil are the
strongest and a north pole bubble in the middle where the magnetic field
lines are the weakest.

A huge amount of work must be done to understand how these types of *Vacuum
Triode Amplifier *systems work.  But the prospect of understanding how the
reported trust production characteristics work like what occurs in the
EDDrive system might make the investment in all that work worthwhile.

Finally, unlike LENR, the lack of subatomic particle production is also a
selling feature of these systems well worth the work to understand.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 5:39 AM, Brian Ahern <> wrote:

> See bellow
> If you have the time, this video explains how the cooling occurs:
> <>
> magnetic cooling <>
> Notes, playlist:
> statistical-physics/Boltzmann%20distribution.html
> With the additional info provided by Brian Ahern upthread, my best guess
> now is that magnetic flux produces electron movement. These changes in the
> magnetic field produced by the magnetic billet are induced by the magnetic
> flux change produced when the input current flows through the input coil.
> What I would like to know is what coils of the three coils are the input
> and output coils. We do not know.
> The random motion of the magnetic domains in the crystal structure of the
> billet due to both the uncertainty principle and thermal movement of
> magnetic domains might be where excess magnetic flux is coming from. This
> input magnetic flux might induce that "magnetic noise" to increase.
> Just by flipping a few spins on the outside edge of the billet using the
> weak input magnetic flux might produce and avalanche of spin movement
> throughout the billet in many surrounding spins throughout the billet. I
> think you are making sense ,especially the cascading at a resonant
> frequency.
> The key to producing more output than input is to adjust the input to the
> minimum amount necessary to produce an increase in magnetic noise from the
> billet.
> How the three coils are layered: first applied, then second, then finally
> third would be nice to know.
> My guess is the the coil applied to the edge would be the input coil. The
> output coils are the length and width coils. The output coils would be full
> wave rectified.
> If magnetic amplification is coming from spin flipping, then using
> separate magnets might not work since the spin flipping would encounter
> discontinuity going from one magnet to another. The avalanche would stop at
> the edge of each individual magnet.
> Here is a image of how a slight disturbance in a spin wave can produce
> lots of magnetic flux.
> <>
> Spin Wave Animation <>
> This animation shows spin waves propagating through an antiferromagnetic
> material, in which neighboring atoms (balls) have opposite spins (arrows).
> When a photon, or ...
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 4:22 PM, David Roberson <>
> wrote:
>> Brian,
>> That is the most interesting characteristic to me as well.  It seems
>> logical that if the outside surface is cooler than the ambient that heat
>> energy must be entering the Billet.  Where this energy goes is the main
>> question I would like to see answered.  Of course we realize that energy is
>> also entering the Billet and surrounding components from the external
>> battery via the drive pulses.
>> Apparently, you are an eye witness to the observation that an electric
>> light is illuminated and the battery is receiving charge for an extended
>> period of time.  This observation implies that energy is coming from some
>> source while the device is in operation.  The obvious first guess is that
>> heat energy is extracted from the ambient region and converted into
>> electrical energy.
>> We should not be willing to give up on the thermodynamic laws too readily
>> however.  Keeping that thought, one might believe that a magnetic form of
>> heat pump is taking place, except it is not clear where the pumped heat is
>> being exhausted, while there appears to be electrical energy generated.
>> Magnetic refrigeration has been around for a while and it is actually a
>> form of heat pumping.  And, magnetic refrigeration obeys the thermodynamic
>> laws.
>> So Brian, did you notice any portion of the Billet and surrounding
>> materials becoming warmer than the ambient?  If not, you have a really
>> interesting phenomena to pursue.
>> Dave
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Brian Ahern <>
>> To: vortex-l <>
>> Sent: Wed, Feb 22, 2017 3:09 pm
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:DESCRIBING THE MANELAS Phenomenon
>> The magnetocaloric cooling keeps my interest high.
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Chris Zell <>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 22, 2017 10:39 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* RE: [Vo]:DESCRIBING THE MANELAS Phenomenon
>> I swear to God if I ever stumble into anything overunity, I’m gonna
>> rectify the bejeezus out of it.  Pure DC in and pure DC out, none of this
>> apparent power crap.
>> Magnetic amps bring up Bearden’s MEG – which I don’t think ever worked. I
>> suspect its output was apparent and not real, as above.

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