I believe it was Y.E. Kim who induced LENR by way of BECs with laser
cooling.   I had pointed this out to Ed Storms on one of these threads.
He was arguing that it was laser heating and that it would destroy the BEC,
while I pointed out that Y E Kim, KP Sinha, and Steven Chu (Obama's Nobel
Prize winning science advisor) who used lasers to cool into BECs.   Sinha
generated LENR with a laser cooled BEC.   Ed Storms asked me to produce the
paper that mentioned this fact but it was not in a paper, it was verbal
information that I gathered by talking to Sinha on the phone.

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Bose condensation of polaritons is what thermalized gamma radiation (super
> absorption) produced by LENR based nuclear reactions.
> Before a BEC of polaritons is established in the LENR reaction, the LENR
> reaction lets gamma radiation pass through the individual polaritons.
> But after the BEC of polaritons is established, a state change occurs and
> a Bremsstrahlung signal is generated in a polariton
> synchronization process where the polaritons synchronize the energy between
> each other.
> This Bremsstrahlung has been detected in MFMP tests just before excess
> heat was produced in the LENR reaction.  It has been called "the Signal"
> by MFMP.
> After the polariton BEC is established a single radiation frequency is
> produced by the BEC. That frequency is a function of the density of
> polaritons in the BEC. This frequency can change second to second as the
> density of polaritons in the BEC varies.
> See
> "They tackled this problem by highly exciting exciton-polaritons, which
> are particle-like excitations in a semiconductor systems and formed by
> strong coupling between electron-hole pairs and photons. They observed
> high-energy side-peak emission that cannot be explained by two mechanisms
> known to date: Bose-Einstein condensation of exciton-polaritons, nor
> conventional semiconductor lasing driven by the optical gain from unbound
> electron hole plasma."
> Marrying superconductors, lasers, and Bose-Einstein condensates
> Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2016-06-superconductors-
> lasers-bose-einstein-condensates.html#jCp
> This polariton based emission of light is where the XUV light emissions
> comes from in the SunCell.
> On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 2:37 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> https://arxiv.org/pdf/1509.05264
>> Disorder, synchronization and phase locking in non-equilibrium
>> Bose-Einstein condensates
>> There is a kind of Bose condinsation that can exist at any temperature
>> and applies to polaritons.
>> To draw an analogy, consider an array of funnels that are each being
>> filled at a different rate. But the funnels are entangled in a condinsate.
>> These funnels are losing liquid at the same rate but are being filled at
>> different rates. We would expect that there would be some funnels that
>> would overflow, but all the funnels maintain the same liquid level. All the
>> funnels share liquid between each other to maintain the same level of
>> fluid. The liquid that would have overflowed is shared between the funnels
>> through and entangled liquid transfer interface. Any funnel that has a low
>> level of liquid input would maintain its level through the additional
>> entangled transfer of liquid with and between other funnels with a more
>> that average liquid filling rates.
>> This is how a collection of "N" polaritons act like one huge single
>> polariton with N members. This huge single polariton can store a
>> huge amount of energy in its condinsate. It can absorb a huge amount of
>> energy (super-absorption) but most importantly, any single polariton can
>> access  all the energy stored in the condinsate (super-radiance) and can
>> use that energy to disrupt nuclear functions in a single nucleus.
>> This Bose condinsate condition can exist at ANY temperature and depends
>> only on the special nature of polaritons to exist.
>> On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 12:15 PM, bobcook39...@hotmail.com <
>> bobcook39...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Ftrank—
>>> To  add to Axil’s comments, it is my understanding that Bose particles
>>> (0 or +/- integral intrinsic spin) can occupy the same energy states in  a
>>> coherent system.  This implies that that it is possible for two particles
>>> to be at the same location at the same time.  For Bose particles with a
>>> magnetic moment—non-0 spin—a magnetic field will degenerate (reduce the
>>> possible locations and energy states) the coherent system “allows” for its
>>> constituent particles.
>>> This may  make it more likely that the wave function of 2Bose particles
>>> over lap and promote a system reaction involving no immediate loss of
>>> energy, only a change in the coherent system’s configuration of constituent
>>> particles with greater kinetic energy and less potential energy tied up in
>>> force fields.
>>> The new kinetic energy is spin angular momentum, exhibited as phonic
>>> energy (thermal energy) of the entire coherent system—the nickel lattice.
>>> The nickel latticed is cooled by some mechanism or mechanisms.  IMHO Li
>>> vapor and hydrogen gas or Cooper pairs of hydrogen are part of a convective
>>> cooling medium surrounding each nano- particle or clumps of particles.
>>> The complex engineering of the coherent systems, the control system
>>> which changes the probability of a reaction, anti-clumping conditions, and
>>> the cooling system suggested by the above conceptual reactor design  is the
>>> reason why LENR+ has taken so long for folks with small budgets to succeed.
>>> Bob Cook
>>> *From: *Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent: *Thursday, June 8, 2017 9:54 AM
>>> *To: *vortexallows for-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
>>> *Subject: *Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature
>>> A Bose condinsate brings super radiance and super absorption into play.
>>> These mechanisms produce concentration, storage,  and amplification of low
>>> level energy and goes as "N", the number of items in the condinsate.
>>> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 9:46 AM, Frank Znidarsic <fznidar...@aol.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Why is a Bose Condensate needed?  Its a matter of size and energy.  The
>>> smaller the size of something we want to see the more energy it takes.
>>> Using low energy radar you will never be able to read something as small as
>>> this text.  You need to go to UV energies to study atoms.  Higher ionizing
>>> energies are needed to study the nuclear forces.  Really high energy
>>> accelerator energies are required to look at subatomic particles.
>>> The common complaint physicists have with cold fusion is that the energy
>>> levels are to low to induce any type of nuclear reaction.  They never,
>>> however, considered the energy levels of a large hundreds of atoms wide
>>> condensed nano-particle.  Its energy levels are quite low.  Warm thermal
>>> vibrations appear to the nano particle as a high energy excitation.  This
>>> again is a matter of its size.  It's not cracks, or shrunken atoms at
>>> work.  It is the thermal excitation of a nano particle that yields the
>>> required energy.
>>> Again the simulation induces a velocity of one million meters per second.
>>> Frank Z

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