Well said.




-----Original Message-----
From: Lennart Thornros <lenn...@thornros.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Fri, Jun 30, 2017 2:33 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi v. Darden

I am not going in to a long discussion with you but I think your 'besser 
wisser' attitude needs a comment.
You are saying the ERV report is proof of fraud. Well, that is using a very low 
level to qualify a proof. The truth is that you with some support of IH has 
made that conclusion and so maybe others also. I have not even read the report. 
It would mean nothing to me. Even if I think my knowledge of science exceeds 
junior high. Technical flaws can have many explanations. One is the one you 
hold as the obvious truth. 
In another logical shortcut you use vague indications from one of Rossi's 
competitors as evidence that Rossi is a fraudster. My guess is that the same 
competitor has negative indications about all the other players in the field. 
The above I mention as a background showing your ill-will or lack of positive 
thinking. You dismiss anyone else'es opinion as wishful thinking. I doubt you 
are a qualified judge of others opinion or conclusions.
I have no idea about to which degree Rossi has anything contributing to LENR or 
not. However, it will show. In the conflict with IH the outcome is not 
determined by facts regarding Rossi's contribution to LENR but by a legal 
system very few can understand or predict. Sure is that  IH has not handle the 
issues the way I would have expected from a serious investment company. Maybe 
they are smarter than I, maybe they have other ideas about what is fair and how 
to conduct business. Reality is that we are different.
You say that Rossi is hurting the possibilities for LENR funding in the future. 
I would say that his contribution to the renewed interest in LENR is evident. 
He has stirred up the interest more than any other player. Your idea that LENR 
will be discredited from a possible failure by Rossi to show a result is 
flawed. You are searching for critic against Rossi even without minimal logic 
involved. Due to Rossi's involvement we have many people doing experiments and 
that is positive. I personally believe that Rossi has at least ideas about how 
to make LENR work, possibly he has a solution. Let him reveal that. He has 
promised after the trial to show us. Rossi looks not as a fraudster to me. He 
act as a passionate entrepreneur in my opinion. It is required to be an 
optimist to get that kind of label. Sometimes the entrepreneurial spirit 
contains a teaspoon of wishful thinking as you call it. It can be labeled 
vision also.
Let us wait and see.
The ongoing trial will either:
- give Rossi money and ability to show that he is genuine.
- give  ability to IH to support other LENR ideas.
- change nothing and all parties can go ahead as they see fit.
My only question to you is why do you find it so beneficial to label people. As 
I see it you have no qualification in that field. Personally I think very few 
if any has that ability.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros

+1 916 436 1899

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and 
enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass. (PJM)

On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 3:44 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
Whoa. The ERV report is not really self-evident proof of anything to    a jury 
- other than that it supposedly provides a basis for Penon's    conclusion. 
These are average citizens who don't do data, so to    speak.

I hope you are wrong about that, but I know nothing about trials and juries, so 
I cannot judge.


A top scientist could believe what you state, and I suspect that 95    out of 
100 scientists might agree with you.

More like 999,999 out of a million I think. As Smith showed, anyone who agrees 
the laws of thermodynamics are valid will see this is fraud.

I meant that technically knowledgeable people will see that the Penon report 
describes a blatant fraud. I don't know about the man on the street. Obviously, 
as we see here and at some web sites, there are people who have heard of the 
laws of thermodynamics yet who still believe in Rossi. They are in thrall to 
him. Wishful thinking has overwhelmed their ability to think rationally and do 
junior-high-school physics.

It seems that Rossi has spent his adult life cultivating such people and then 
stealing from them. Unfortunately, in the course of doing this, he may have 
destroyed the last hope of funding for cold fusion. Unless the Texas Tech 
project pans out, this time cold fusion may be gone for good. It will be 

- Jed

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