Having been involved with a number of manufacturing plants, including building 
several new ones, my impression was the time and labor required for the 
supposed heat exchanger were greatly exaggerated. 




-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Sat, Jul 1, 2017 10:16 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi v. Darden

Looks like things are finally underway in Miami, barring a hurricane. 
July is bit early for one, but  there are already strong signs of a 
tropical depression, so to speak.

Interesting thread has turned up on LENR forum - which has been joined 
by a hand's-on expert, in fact he claims to be a pipe-fitter.

Rossiphiles will of course claim without any proof that this poster is 
being paid by friends of Darden to influence a jury. Doubt it (that 
would be very risky) ... but there is no doubt that the opinion of a 
professional pipe-fitter could determine where Rossi spends the next 5 
years, even if he wins a dollar verdict. AR really screwed up his 
deposition royally, and that will haunt him.

If Rossi has perjured himself during depositions in regard to the 
imaginary heat-exchanger removal, which many observers are absolutely 
certain that he has done, it will not be glossed over. That prior bit of 
dishonesty could be his downfall, even if he wins a verdict or 
back-tracks when he gives direct testimony... maybe he claims amnesia or 
CLD/HPD... (very little doubt that Rossi is afflicted with the latter 

But his attorney should have warned Rossi that depositions are sworn 
testimony too, and Federal Courts consider perjury to be more serious 
than Rossi may realize. Beware, Andrea and beware to his attorney also. 
"Subornation of perjury" is actually frowned on as much or more than the 
act itself. Most ironic if the two of them win millions but cannot enjoy 
it for several years.

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