
Of COURSE you're happy with your own moderating because you are so
one-sided at the approach.

You have a perception of someone who claims to be a lawyer who has missed
at least 2 major aspects of the law with respect to this case.  You have a
one-sided perception.   HE WAS THE ONE WHO STARTED THE INSULTS.  But you
put ME on probation.   That says volumes about your moderating ability.

You say I was given a request on a side thread, and then a warning AFTER I
WAS PUT ON PROBATION.   Your approach is completely screwed up.

Here is the latest.   Someone says I post a lie even though it was Rossi
who posted it.   When are you going to put a stop to the bullshit that you
have power to stop?

Dewey Weaver wrote:

Kevmo - not going to let you get away with the Rossi IP license buyout
offer mention - that is yet another lie and it did not happen.

Regarding your other non-stop creative Planet Rossi inference pattern- do
you think that your "Rossi realization" scenario included getting caught
claiming that an empty reactor was generating as much excess heat output as
a "loaded reactor"?

Dewey: It has been shown upthread that Rossi claimed to offer the IP
buyout. It may be a Rossi lie but it IS a claim on his blog, along with
other bloviating claims that many of us would like to see addressed. So
quit calling it a lie unless you can prove that Rossi did not claim it.

The moderators of this forum preclude me from responding to your "loaded
insults" so I would suggest you quit posting them.

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 7:58 AM, Eric Walker <> wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> Eric, you're completely full of shit.
>> The example I posted wasn't even an insult and it was moved to some other
>> thread.
> Here are some of your posts that were moved; readers will be the judge of
> how much value you added to the conversation in posting them, and how much
> they simply served to needlessly make the place a little more toxic:
> items/?postID=62695#post62695
> items/?postID=62652#post62652
> items/?postID=62662#post62662
> items/?postID=62674#post62674
> Once I saw that you were in full-on attack mode, I began to move your
> posts to the bargain bin with prejudice, in order to avoid allowing the
> place to devolve into the war that you sought to bring about.
> And NO, you are NOT giving notice that certain posts have been moved to
>> another thread.   NOT EVEN ONE of my posts had that notification.
> How about these two notices?  The first in the bargain bin thread, where
> everyone but you will have known to look, and the second in the thread
> where you were posting your belligerent stuff:
> items/?postID=62688#post62688
> darden-developments-part-2/?postID=62696#post62696
>> You're so concerned about spam that it goes down to NOT EVEN ONE
>> notification onthread until you're getting questioned about it.
> Hopefully we’ve cleared up this misconception.
> You say it was a judgement call; your judgement is called into question as
>> a result.
>> Some of this stuff is so simple.   I've seen comments that were moved to
>> another thread but they had already been quoted.   So what you could do...
>> what you should do... what I would do with your capabilities...   is just
>> quote the comment, remove the offending remarks and say that the original
>> post was moved to the timeout/penalty box thread.    Then everyone is on
>> notice.
>> Instead you prefer to put people on "probation" without them even knowing
>> about it.
> You were given a request and then a warning, as I said above.  You were on
> a roll, and if you were allowed to continue, you would have brought the
> conversation down a notch, which you did, while you were in your zone.
>> Also, if you're going to be sending some comments that contain insults
>> over to other threads then you should start with the guy who starts with
>> the insults.   Your treatment of the issue has been completely one-sided.
>> I did not start with the insults against the lawyer, he started in on me.
> Part of your difficulty may be that you’re willing to escalate what you
> perceive to be subtle slights into a full-blown brawl.  Subtle slights that
> don’t use foul language have a much easier time making it through than
> full-on ad homs with crass language.
> You value the newbie lawyer over someone like me who's been signed on for
>> 2 years because, well, he claims to be a lawyer even though someone
>> upthread tried to dox him and question the legitimacy of his claim.   For a
>> lawyer, he sure missed quite a few legal points.
> My perception, and it’s just my perception, is that he knows something
> about the law from years of experience practicing it.  That does count for
> something.
> Mary Yugo isn't even a woman.   He got booted rightfully so from this
>> forum and he/she's trolling yours.   If you had wisdom you'd remove her/it
>> from your forum as well.
> In giving Mary the boot, we would be editorializing the content.
>> You should just admit that you made a mistake and hope that vorts will
>> want to head on over to your discussion.
> I’m quite happy with my treatment of you, as it's kept the level of
> conversation over at LENR Forum from taking a dive as a consequence of your
> belligerent interactions, and you’re still on probation.
> Eric
> On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 5:09 AM, Kevin O'Malley <>
> wrote:
>> Eric, you're completely full of shit.
>> The example I posted wasn't even an insult and it was moved to some other
>> thread.   And NO, you are NOT giving notice that certain posts have been
>> moved to another thread.   NOT EVEN ONE of my posts had that notification.
>>   You're so concerned about spam that it goes down to NOT EVEN ONE
>> notification onthread until you're getting questioned about it.       You
>> say it was a judgement call; your judgement is called into question as a
>> result.
>> Some of this stuff is so simple.   I've seen comments that were moved to
>> another thread but they had already been quoted.   So what you could do...
>> what you should do... what I would do with your capabilities...   is just
>> quote the comment, remove the offending remarks and say that the original
>> post was moved to the timeout/penalty box thread.    Then everyone is on
>> notice.   Instead you prefer to put people on "probation" without them even
>> knowing about it.
>> Also, if you're going to be sending some comments that contain insults
>> over to other threads then you should start with the guy who starts with
>> the insults.   Your treatment of the issue has been completely one-sided.
>> I did not start with the insults against the lawyer, he started in on me.
>> You value the newbie lawyer over someone like me who's been signed on for 2
>> years because, well, he claims to be a lawyer even though someone upthread
>> tried to dox him and question the legitimacy of his claim.   For a lawyer,
>> he sure missed quite a few legal points.   But that didn't stop him from
>> insulting someone else on the forum.   When you review my comments you will
>> see that I did not start any insults, my insults are responsive.
>> Mary Yugo isn't even a woman.   He got booted rightfully so from this
>> forum and he/she's trolling yours.   If you had wisdom you'd remove her/it
>> from your forum as well.
>> I'm not "new" to the forum, I signed up more than 2 years ago.   But it
>> was a backwater then so it fell off my radar.   I am "new" to Rossi vs.
>> Darden because it's been sitting on the back legal burner for more than a
>> year.   You have other commenters that are hurling insults.    You should
>> just admit that you made a mistake and hope that vorts will want to head on
>> over to your discussion.   And also, you should make your title say
>> "Moderator".    You're far too thin skinned to jump in as an untitled
>> moderator.
>> On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 8:49 AM, Eric Walker <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 6:50 PM, Kevin O'Malley <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Comments get moved to another thread without notification.
>>> When people such as yourself flood the forum with throwaway comments, we
>>> moderators would spam the place to give as many notifications.  Had you
>>> known how things are done on LENR Forum, you would have known that
>>> throwaway comments with crass and insulting language get moved to a
>>> separate thread and know where to find them.  We generally put a note at
>>> the bottom of a comment once it's been moved to let people know about
>>> this.  You did not know that LENR Forum does this, because you dived right
>>> in with your throwaway insults rather than getting to know the place.
>>>> Commenters can get put "on probation" without notification.
>>> We put trolls and would-be brawlers on probation.
>>> You yourself are a moderator but it doesn't say that on your title.
>>> I gave my reasons for this in an earlier response to you, which you do
>>> not mention.  I'll link to my reply:
>>> /?postID=62766#post62766
>>> You allow insults from some people but not others in a one-sided
>>>> fashion, again without notification.
>>> It's invariably a judgment call.  If there's either a substantive point
>>> that has been made, or the person is known to make good points and insult
>>> everyone equally and without an emotional charge, they're less likely to
>>> have a comment moved.  If the insult is obviously charged and the comment
>>> brings no useful additional information, it's likely to be moved.  We do
>>> not apply a rote formula.  We apply judgment in an effort to raise the
>>> level of conversation.  This weighs somewhat more heavily against posters
>>> who have little substantive to offer.  That's just the nature of the
>>> situation.
>>> So those of us who would like to go over there will have to jump through
>>>> your unpublished moderation guidelines
>>>> in order to avoid "probation".
>>> Or you could just lurk for awhile and see how things are done.  It's a
>>> natural thing to do when coming to a new forum to try watch and observe and
>>> see how things are done.
>>>> There aren't that many rules over here on Vortex but even still, some
>>>> of your more vociferous and full-of-shit members over there have been
>>>> banned from Vortex, like MaryYugo.
>>> Mary Yugo has always been controversial, but she almost invariably
>>> addresses matters of substance rather than intending to rile up other forum
>>> members and start a fight.  She insults people, but her aim is not to start
>>> a brawl.  She has brought up many good points about Rossi over the years,
>>> so she gets a little bit of latitude to be a character.
>>> Eric

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