Time symmetry requires that the laws of nature operate the same when time
goes either forward or backwards.


To the best of my knowledge, most physicists don't believe that antimatter
is *actually* matter moving backwards in time. It's not even entirely clear
what would it really mean to move backwards in time, from the popular

If I'm remembering correctly, this idea all comes from a story that
probably originated with Richard Feynman. At the time, one of the big
puzzles of physics was why all instances of a particular elementary
particle (all electrons, for example) are apparently identical. Feynman had
a very hand-wavy idea that all electrons could in fact be the same
electron, just bouncing back and forth between the beginning of time and
the end. As far as I know, that idea never developed into anything
mathematically grounded, but it did inspire Feynman and others to calculate
what the properties of an electron moving backwards in time would be, in a
certain precise sense that emerges from quantum field theory. What they
came up with was a particle that matched the known properties of the

Just to give you a rough idea of what it means for a particle to "move
backwards in time" in the technical sense: in quantum field theory,
particles carry with them amounts of various conserved quantities as they
move. These quantities may include energy, momentum, electric charge,
"flavor," and others. As the particles move, these conserved quantities
produce "currents," which have a direction based on the motion and sign of
the conserved quantity. If you apply the time reversal operator (which is a
purely mathematical concept, not something that actually reverses time),
you reverse the direction of the current flow, which is equivalent to
reversing the sign of the conserved quantity, thus (roughly speaking)
turning the particle into its antiparticle.

For example, consider electric current: it arises from the movement of
electric charge, and the direction of the current is a product of the
direction of motion of the charge and the sign of the charge.

Positive charge moving left is equivalent to negative charge moving right. If
you have a current of electrons moving to the right, and you apply the time
reversal operator, it converts the rightward velocity to leftward velocity.
But you would get the exact same result by instead converting the electrons
into positrons and letting them continue to move to the right; either way,
you wind up with the net positive charge flow moving to the right.

By the way, optional reading if you're interested: there is a very basic
(though hard to prove) theorem in quantum field theory, the TCP theorem,
that says that if you apply the three operations of time reversal, charge
conjugation (switch particles and antiparticles), and parity inversion
(mirroring space), the result should be exactly equivalent to what you
started with. We know from experimental data that, under certain exotic
circumstances, the combination of charge conjugation and parity inversion
does *not* leave all physical processes unchanged, which means that the
same must be true of time reversal: *physics is* not *time-reversal
invariant*. Of course, since we can't *actually* reverse time, we can't
test in exactly what manner this is true.

The SPP can be compared to the electron in terms of time symmetry breaking
into a positron. The SPP is not LENR active until it has been converted to
its antiparticle by a time reversal operator. That operator is the KERR
effect that changes the rotation of photons inside the whispering gallery
wave. The purpose of the LENR stimulus is to change the nature of the SPP
into its LENR active form.

[image: 20170119174546739132.jpg]

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 3:54 AM, Che <comandantegri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 2:03 AM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> IMHO, the person who has done the best work is Keith A. Fredericks at
>> http://restframe.com/
>> Keith does not know what he is seeing has comes about, but he does
>> understand how the metalized hydride behaves.
>> Keith thinks that the energy loaded metalized hydride crystal is a
>> tachyon.
> How can time -- motion, that is -- have a 'negative' aspect..?

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