
Enhancement of cloud formation by droplet charging

Shea & Smart (1995) also demonstrated ion production associated with a
solar proton event in a surface ionization chamber, at Cheltenham, Maryland
(398 N). This ionization was explained to be caused by muons, i.e.
secondary particles generated from the solar protons. Other sources of
high-energy particles in the lower atmosphere include thunderstorms (Wilson
1925; Lidvansky 2003), from which there is surface experimental evidence
for accelerated electrons (Khaerdinov et al. 2005).


Increased cloud formation and electrification of the atmosphere could be an
as yet unrecognized consequence of prolific use of LENR in petawatt level
power production. It is a good bet that LENR produces muons as a primary
format of nuclear energy reformulation. Heat generation is only a minor
energy pathway.

If LENR gains traction as a primary source for global energy production,
the atmosphere could experience a massive increase in water droplet
ionization and electrical charge amplification from LENR moderated muon

Muons from a LENR reactor can send very energetic muons high into the
atmosphere where their interaction with water vapor is inevitable. This
could result in a permanent  loss in global fair weather conditions in a
permanently overcast world.  The deployed base of solar panel power
production could be rendered ineffectual and the gloomy cloud shrouded
earth could enter a new epoch of global cooling as little heat or light
would penetrate to reach the ground.

On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 1:56 PM, Bob Higgins <>

> What most people don't know also is that the cosmic ray flux affects the
> weather.  Galactic cosmic rays are variable and depend in part on our solar
> system's orbital position in the spiral arm.  Cosmic rays variably affect
> the weather by penetration into the lower atmosphere, nucleating water
> droplets, and hence forming clouds.  The amount of cosmogenic cloud
> formation depends on the cosmic ray rate and average energy.
> Solar activity varies the solar magnetic field which changes the Earth's
> magnetic field, and hence the Earth's magnetic protection from cosmic
> rays.  Of course, greater solar activity also affects the rate of solar
> generated high energy particles which behave similarly to cosmic rays.
> Increased cosmic ray/solar particle flux causes more clouds and causes a
> net cooling on the Earth.  Increased solar magnetic fields cause increased
> Earth's magnetic fields that shield from cosmic rays.  So, increased solar
> magnetic fields means less clouds on Earth and higher temperatures on the
> Earth.
> As I understand it, the link between solar magnetic fields, solar particle
> flux, cosmic ray flux, and clouds is not part of present climate models.
> On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 10:16 AM, JonesBeene <> wrote:
>> Periodically, the cross connection between abnormal solar activity and
>> hurricanes is mentioned in the ALT-SCI press.
>> Of course this year is no exception as the strongest storm in a decade
>> and the strongest solar flares in the past 11 year cycle are aligned in
>> time.
>> It is a complex interaction but there seems to be something beyond
>> coincidence going on in this alignment. Often water temperature is said to
>> play a role in hurricanes, but this year the Ocean water temperature in
>> hurricane alley is normal
>> Perhaps the sunspot itself is not the driving force for more intense
>> storms on earth but instead, the sunspot feeds a greater tonnage of dense
>> hydrogen into the solar wind, and that dense hydrogen becomes the driving
>> mechanism for the extra power of the storm.

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