Unfortunately Bob, some formatting error occurred in your email and I could
not read the whole of the first paragraph.

What you say about the plasma consisting of "Li ions, microscopic Li
droplets, microscopic Al droplets and Al ions" is possible, though the Li
and Al "droplets" are unlikely.  Any Li droplets would certainly evaporate
in the plasma, and any Al droplets would likely fall out of the plasma but
is possible some remain.  Rossi never claimed a "neutral" plasma that I
remember (I could be wrong).  He claimed approximately equal positive ion
and electron currents.  If the tube were a high vacuum electron tube, there
would only be electron carriers of the current.  In such a case, the mean
free path would be long and characteristic x-rays would be emitted from the
Ni electrode.  Since there are approximately equal positive ion carriers as
electrons (if we believe Rossi's claim), the mean free path will be short
(due to electron impact causing the positive ions), and the electron energy
at the anode will be small and produce no x-rays.

I cannot comprehend a magnetic field configuration that would
unidirectionally focus an omnidirectional emission of alpha particles.  If
you had such a thing it would be useful for making radioisotope alpha
emitter batteries.

I saw no evidence of sufficient apparatus to generate a quadrapole magnetic
field in Rossi's reactor.  I also doubt that he has that competence.


On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 3:40 PM, bobcook39...@hotmail.com <
bobcook39...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Higgins—Regarding your comments:
> The spectrometer Rossi  is said to have  used, if connected via fiber
> optics, would be limited in its effective range of wavelength monitoring
> from 200 nm to about 2200 nm.  The peak of black body radiation
> at 2300 C is in this range,  However, the peak as a function of radiance
> is fairly flat in this range.  The peak wavelengths that Rossi’s demo
> displayed were not associated with the black body radiation  temperature of
> I would guess that Rossi does not want spectrum data publicized, since it
> would tell too much about the mechanisms at work.
> The conducting medium within the plasma may be made up of Li ions,
> microscopic Li droplets, microscopic Al droplets and Al ions.  The H is
> either absorbed by the Ni or remains as a H2 molecule.  This assumption of
> the composition of gas is what I have called a “dusty” plasma expecting
> that the material is not  strictly an ionic substance.  I have never heard
> of neutral plasmas,  which neutrality Rossi has indicated is characteristic
> of his QX reactor.
> If the LENR produces alphas and results from a magnetic field with its
> directionality, the alpha emission may
> also display a related directionality.
> Finally the signal driving the reactor may be a quadrupole magnetic field
> to produce nuclear spin states that resonate with lattice electron  spin
> states. Such a driver may require significant energy to achieve the proper
> resonances with enough energy to change the nuclear energy states and allow
> nuclear transmutation.  To be useful as a heat source the change of
> potential energy and increase of the lattice energy or kinetic energy of
> emitted alphas would  have to be substantially greater than the energy
> needed to create the signal driving the reactor.
>  Bob Cook
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Bob Higgins <rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Friday, December 1, 2017 7:08:35 AM
> *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* [Vo]:Rossi dog & pony show with full audio
> As I understand it, Rossi is said to have recorded the spectrum using
> something like an Ocean Optics fiber spectrometer (
> https://oceanoptics.com/product/ocean-fx/).  A typical gas discharge
> spectrum will be a mix of blackbody for the plasma and lines from the key
> atomic and ionic species.  This spectrometer is capable of recording the
> full spectrum as a function of time so as to show the different stages of
> plasma formation, discharge, and turn-OFF.  It is highly likely that the
> spectrum will change significantly in each of these phases.  The stronger
> the lines are, the more likely that the gas is low pressure.  Stronger
> blackbody plasma discharge is characteristic of higher gas pressure.  The
> plasma will shut off quickly when electrical discharge is stopped.  There
> can be fluorescence during the discharge and afterglow (phosphorescence) in
> the system after discharge, depending upon the impurities in the glass tube
> (which could be implanted during discharge).  Afterglow does not per se
> indicate any LENR reaction.
> Since alphas would have been emitted omnidirectionally, it would not
> produce a DC current through the tube of any significance.  The axial
> geometry of such a tube would mean that the side walls would get most of
> any alphas that might be generated.
> There is no evidence that this is a dusty plasma reactor.  Whenever the
> tube cools off, the Li vapor would condense on the side walls taking any
> "dust" with it.  In a dusty plasma reactor it takes a great deal of effort
> to keep the dust in the plasma.  Suhas used ultrasound.  Egely uses an
> acoustically resonant reactor body.  In the descriptions I have heard, I
> see no evidence that Rossi's QX is based on dusty plasma technology.
> Instead, it appears to be only a Li + H2 plasma.  It is possible that some
> Ni could be evaporated from the electrodes, but I believe it would condense
> quickly on the side walls of the tube near the electrodes - I don't believe
> it would stay in plasma.  These areas of condensed Ni on the side walls
> could be LENR active though.
> On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 10:09 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Mats Lewan is said to have seen the QX produce deep blue color when
>> running at 100%. Even at 30%, the QX produces light at between 400 to 500
>> nm that I saw recorded with my own eyes recorded on the spectrograph as
>> seen in the video. I don't beleive the info on light production that is
>> coming from Rossi. That info might be self serving. Rossi might be  seeing
>> what he wants to see. Rossi says that the light produced was measured at
>> 1100nm. This is infrared light and is not even visible. How can Rossi get a
>> valid blackbody heat reading when the QX is running at 30% power level?
>> Those people at the Demo should have reacted to this discontinuity in logic
>> during the demo in real time.
>> On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 11:08 PM, bobcook39...@hotmail.com <
>> bobcook39...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Higgins—
>>> I agree with your comment about a high voltage (short) at the beginning
>>> of the reaction in the QX reactor.  It is consistent with the flash of
>>> light which can be seen at the end of the reactor upon the initial power
>>> application.
>>> Your assessment does not address the source of energy during the off
>>> phases of the control circuit.  I would argue that the reaction producing
>>> heat is occurring in the Ni electrode with the Li acting as a good
>>> convective heat transfer agent from the electrode to the outer
>>> circumference  of the reactor where the water cooling occurs.
>>> The electric current is generated by the net positive charge  that
>>> results from the reaction that produces energetic alphas that cross the
>>> annular space where the dusty plasma exists and charge the outer surface of
>>> the reactor.
>>> I disagree with Axil that the suncell hydrino reaction is like the QX
>>> reaction.  The spectra of the two reactions are not reported to be alike.
>>> Bob Cook

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