Ultra dense hydrogen (UDH) may not be a primary source for muon production.
The Surface Plasmon Polariton may be the primary source of proton
annihilation. The UDH by be a helpful host that provides a secondary
support structure for the viability and maintenance of the SPPs. The SPP
can use other ways and means to produce muons such as micro and
nanoparticles, excited rough metal surfaces, collapsing cavitation bubbles,
dirty plasma, photonic crystals, and thin films.

Let me better explain the possible relationship between these SPPs and UDH.

To start out, Alan Smith is going to be demonstrating a live glow discharge
experiment at the New Energy World Symposium. That's Mats Lewan's event
happening next June 18-19th in Stockholm Sweden.

The experiment will pass a glow charge through a tube containing low
pressure gas, almost like a neon tube but without a phosphor. Probably
running at something like 5 or 10 thousands volts. In the middle there will
be a piece of metal foil. When the glow discharge begins then two things
should happen. One of them: the metal foil should glow very very brightly,
and sparkle in fact. You get sparkles on the surface. The other thing is,
it produces what might be described as "anomalous radiation", what's, I
think it was Edward Teller who coined the term, "Meshugganons".

One of the characteristics of this radiation is that it does not do much to
a Geiger counter. The Geiger… almost as if it weren't… was neutron
radiation. The Geiger is very sluggish, but as you begin to pile shielding
between the Geiger counter and the source - the glowing foil - so the
radiation count goes up, and up and up.

You can saturate a Geiger counter and set all the alarms off, but it does
not appear to be harmful.  It's sure sounds like muons are coming from the

This glow discharge experiment shows how a metal surface can form SPPs and
how those SPPs can catalyze muons. But when the power going through the
tube is cut, the muons stop. This shows that the SPP are not self
sustaining in themselves.

Muons don't interact with light elements well. For example, the interaction
cross section for lead is 1,000,000 times greater than that for hydrogen.
So piling heavy element shielding around the glowing foil produces muon
catalyzed fusion and fission because of the high interaction cross section
of muons with the heavy element shielding.

Next, here is another example of where the SPP shows itself as a primary
source of LENR activity.



Experimental observation of anomalous thermal radiation from a
three-dimensional metallic photonic crystal


We report some striking results on thermal radiation properties of a
resonantly coupled cavity photonic crystal (PhC) at elevated temperatures
(T = 400–900 K). We experimentally found that at resonant wavelengths, λ =
1.1, 1.64, 2.85 μm, the PhC emission is spectrally selective,
quasi-coherent, directional, and shows significant deviation from Planck's
blackbody law at equilibrium. The presence of non-equilibrium effects,
driven by strong thermal excitation and cavity resonance, may be the major
cause for our experimental observation.

Sooner or later, science would stumble over some sort of LENR reaction.

Thermal radiation coming off this photonic crystal (PhC) is up to 50 times
stronger than blackbody radiation at certain frequencies. That radiation is
coherent, directional, and focused.

This finding has the researchers puzzled.

I speculated that SPPs formed inside the coupled cavities in this crystal
form a polariton Bose condensate that emits hawking radiation at specific
thermal frequencies. There also may be some overunity here: more energy out
than in...

Now finally, when it comes to UDH, the SPP may ride on the outside electron
spin wave that covers the outside of UDH. The SPP may use the UDH as a
host, the way a rider uses a horse. The UDH is superconductive, almost
lossless, self sustaining and meta-stable. It produces its own power and
can store it. The UDH is the ideal host for the SPP. The SPP may be a
beneficial parasite that can feed energy into the UDH, and the SPP keeps
the UDH going.

On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 11:00 AM, JonesBeene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> It is worth repeating that in Holmlid’s article cited by Axil, we find
> several problems with his claim of copious muon production (aside from the
> massive transfer of energy which becomes undetectable).
> Holmlid: “The muons formed do not decay appreciably within the flight
> distances used here. Most of the laser-ejected particle flux with MeV
> energy is not deflected by the magnetic fields and is thus neutral, either
> being neutral kaons or the ultra-dense hydrogen precursor clusters. Photons
> give only a minor part of the detected signals.”
> This “neutral flux” is troubling to many observers (including Bob Higgins)
> because muons are charged and the processor states (pions, kaons) will be
> effectively charged as well. However, this could explain a characteristic
> pink noise which is much attenuated over the main event (the massive level
> of white noise which is not detected).
> Not only that, since muons are presumably produced from protons in the
> laser pulse, there should be a preponderance of antimuons in order to
> preserve conservation of charge. Typically, the kludge used to preserve
> charge and lost mass is the neutrino which occurs in the final decay. In
> fact most of the massively excess energy of the Holmlid effect  –  almost
> all of it – eventually converts into neutrinos which are lost to the system
>  (insofar as being useful for energy conversion).
> This is a curious situation since a massively energetic pulse of energy
> has occurred due to proton annihilation (not proton decay) and this comes
> from the laser irradiation, but it is lost to the system due to the fact
> that 99.5% has been converted into neutrinos in nanoseconds – and at a
> great distance away - which cannot be easily used. Bummer.
> The only silver lining of the incredible Holmlid finding is  (or could be)
>  in the “cannot be easily used” part. Maybe the proper material is out
> there but we haven’t been looking in the right place for it. Dense metals
> respond to neutrinos better than light metals for instance but little work
> has been done on “ultradense” materials.
> In fact there is the possibility that new discoveries in the future will
> in fact turn up a metamaterial which absorbs neutrinos !
> What would such a material look like? First, it will be extremely dense –
> far denser than uranium. That is a big clue.
> Could UDH be both the target for laser pulses and an absorber of neutrino
> bursts? Perhaps as a U-hydride with UDH embedded?
> We live in interesting times, as they say...

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