In reply to  Nigel Dyer's message of Sat, 10 Mar 2018 16:02:01 +0000:

Absorption would be energy dependent, but depends on the path taken. If the
source were highly localized, then the path between source and detector would be
the same for all photons. Would that yield one of the 1/f factors [1]?
For the second one, I assume that the energy emitted by the source itself would
also have to be frequency dependent (i.e. 1/f).

If [1] then we are looking for a source with a 1/f distribution, not a 1/f^2

>It is like both like a Maxwellian distribution and Bremstrahlung, but 
>neither of these give a 1/f^2 distribtion. If you overlay a 1/f^2 line 
>over the red dots the fit is perfect, indeed it is so good that it 
>almost looks as if that is how it was generated.
>On 10/03/2018 15:46, JonesBeene wrote:
>> Looks quasi-Maxwellian to me.
>> Where is the inverse peak?
>> *From: *Nigel Dyer <>
>> I have been looking at the graph titled
>> "After the MASSIVE broad band 'turn on' pulse, the excess heat mode is
>> between 0 and 100KeV"
>>  at
>> which shows the steady state gamma radiation from the Parkhomov-like
>> experiment, together with a plot of the gamma radiation that is seen
>> right at the start.
>> It appears that the initial gamma radiation obeys a perfect inverse
>> frequency squared law.  I feel that this must be telling us something
>> about the underlying physics, but it is not clear what.  I cannot find
>> any other examples of inverse frequency squared emission of radiation.
>> Any ideas?
>> Nigel

Robin van Spaandonk

local asymmetry = temporary success

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