
   - #54

Regarding Alan glow tube test...

THUNDER ENERGIES,   <http://www.thunder-energies.com/>*a company that uses
DR. RUGGERO SANTILLI'S TECH to detect nuclear weapons in sealed containers
uses a variant of Alan Smith's experiment.*



The hadronic reactors for the industrial synthesis of thermal neutrons from
a hydrogen gas essentially include (TEC international patent pending):

1. A metal vessel filled up with a hydrogen gas at a pressure depending on
the desired neutron CPS;

2. Electronic means for the remote control of the gap between a pair of
tungsten electrodes located inside said metal vessel; and

3. A specially designed power unit delivering high voltage and high current
rapid DC discharges in between said electrodes.

As shown in Figure 5, the DC arc ionizes the hydrogen atoms, thus creating
a plasma of protons and electrons; the DC arc then aligns the proton and
the electron along a magnetic field line with the appropriate spin and
other couplings; an engineering means called *triggers* compress the
electron inside the proton, by supplying the missing energy (which is about
one million electron Volts, 1 MeV).
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Sometimes a theorist can save an experimenter a lot of work by avoiding
duplicating existing technology.

Santilli thinks that neutrons can be formed out of a union of protons and
neutrons. This is nonsense. What Santilli is producing are muons. the same
particle that Alan is generating. The US government is using cosmic ray
generated muons to detect nuclear material in shipping containers now.

Cosmic-Ray Muons Reveal Hidden Void in the Great Pyramid

Muon Thomography are well known as a means to detect nuclear material

Innovations In Nuclear Detection: Muon Tomography


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