In Alan's experiment, the  Geiger counter's activity is the function of the
thickness of the lead shielding. No shielding creates no  Geiger counter

On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 2:54 PM, Brian Ahern <> wrote:

> Geiger counters are notoriously prone to high voltage noise interference.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Axil Axil <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, April 15, 2018 2:15 PM
> *To:* vortex-l
> *Subject:* [Vo]:Meshugganons
>    -
>    New
>    -
>    - #54
> <>[image:
>    4766-the-test-png]
> Regarding Alan glow tube test...
> THUNDER ENERGIES,   <>*a company that
> uses DR. RUGGERO SANTILLI'S TECH to detect nuclear weapons in sealed
> containers uses a variant of Alan Smith's experiment.*
> <>
> Quote
> The hadronic reactors for the industrial synthesis of thermal neutrons
> from a hydrogen gas essentially include (TEC international patent pending):
> 1. A metal vessel filled up with a hydrogen gas at a pressure depending on
> the desired neutron CPS;
> 2. Electronic means for the remote control of the gap between a pair of
> tungsten electrodes located inside said metal vessel; and
> 3. A specially designed power unit delivering high voltage and high
> current rapid DC discharges in between said electrodes.
> As shown in Figure 5, the DC arc ionizes the hydrogen atoms, thus creating
> a plasma of protons and electrons; the DC arc then aligns the proton and
> the electron along a magnetic field line with the appropriate spin and
> other couplings; an engineering means called *triggers* compress the
> electron inside the proton, by supplying the missing energy (which is about
> one million electron Volts, 1 MeV).
> Display More
> Sometimes a theorist can save an experimenter a lot of work by avoiding
> duplicating existing technology.
> Santilli thinks that neutrons can be formed out of a union of protons and
> neutrons. This is nonsense. What Santilli is producing are muons. the same
> particle that Alan is generating. The US government is using cosmic ray
> generated muons to detect nuclear material in shipping containers now.
> Cosmic-Ray Muons Reveal Hidden Void in the Great Pyramid
> <>
> Muon Thomography are well known as a means to detect nuclear material
> Innovations In Nuclear Detection: Muon Tomography

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