
I thought it might be moment of inertia associated with a spinning top or such 

Iso it would take some force to change the direction of spin if done slowly .  
If an electric field is used or a magnetic field is used energy may be 
conserved but angular momentum is changed remaining with the same absolute 
value.  The energy does not depend upon the direction of spin and the resulting 
angular momentum –a vector wuantity.

Bob Cook

From: Brian Ahern <>
Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019 4:42:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A simple example of Mechanical Over-Unity

Is MoI Moment of inertia?
You allude to an electrical motor, but you leave details out.
The abrupt changes in the plots are non-physical.

From: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 10:28 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A simple example of Mechanical Over-Unity

Can you  identify  parameters of a  Mol.  What units (mass velocity length  
angular momentum etc ) does a Mol have.

The Link provided would not  allow connection with my computer,   A better 
description of what a Mol is would help.

Bob Cook

From: Vibrator ! <>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 2:34:15 PM
Subject: [Vo]:A simple example of Mechanical Over-Unity

It looks to me like a fait accompli, but i might as well be claiming prince 
Albert in a can.  Yet i NEED to know whether this is real or crass error.  Some 
kind of resolution!

It's just basic mechanics - force, mass & motion.  I know there's people here 
with a good grasp of classical physics - and this really IS dead-simple - all i 
need is anyone confident enough in that knowledge to be prepared to 'call it', 
one way or the other.

I'm on me lonesome here - no academic contacts whatsoever, and with the mother 
of all absurd claims..

What it is:

 - Changing MoI, whilst rotating, without performing any work against CF force. 
 Decreasing and increasing MoI this way effectively creates and destroys 
rotational KE.

 - MoI is caused to 'flip', instantly, thus causing an instantaneous change in 
velocity, ie. a binary change in physical velocity, without physically 
accelerating, or equivalently, via an effectively infinite acceleration.

 - A series of Working Model sims demonstrating these results, tracking all 
input and output energy; the latter, calculated via two independent routes in 
parallel, with perfect agreement and in apparent confirmation of OU.

There are two different forms of input work applied:

 - crude 'motors' - tho not meaningfully 'electrical'; they're simply torque 
controlled over angle, and so producing a "torque * angle" plot

 - 'linear actuators' - but again, merely the application of linear force 
controlled over a displacement, and again plotted accordingly

So i've been taking these two integrals - at least, in those cases where's 
there's any input work at all - as 32,765 data points crunched with a Riemann 
sum via Excel.

Happy to provide those if anyone wants to see 'em.

Likewise, if anyone wants to see any variations / sanity checks, i can knock up 
more sims..

The thing is, in the most basic form of the interaction, there's no input work 
at all.. yet a 200% KE gain.

With only a very trivial modification (gravity brought into play), the gain 
rises to 800% - partly because the torque * angle integral goes substantially 

I've solved it down to 1/10th of a microjoule, so the gain appears to be many 
orders over noise.

Please - anyone - is this for real or have i completely lost it?<>

NB: MoI switch-downs greater than factors of two are equally feasible - so we 
could likewise square or cube rotKE with little more difficulty..

Climbing the walls here..

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