This starts to sound like the Linevich patent.  A poor guy in Vladivostok who 
claimed more out than in with unbalanced rotors

From: Vibrator ! <>
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2019 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A simple example of Mechanical Over-Unity

The system is closed, and so yes, angular momentum IS constant per cycle, and, 
as explained already, the energy gain is dependent upon this fact.

It is the conservation of angular momentum that causes the energy gain.

Angular momentum is angular inertia (MoI) times angular velocity.  In a closed 
system of interacting masses, it is constant.  Thus, if MoI is reduced by half, 
say, then speed automatically doubles, to conserve their product.

This is often referred to as the 'ice skater effect' - as she pulls her limbs 
inwards, the pirouette accelerates - she spins up, due to the action of the 
conservation of angular momentum.

MoI is given by mass times radius squared (MoI = mr²).

However, the ice skater is performing work against centrifugal force as she 
pulls her limbs inwards. The integral of that force over that displacement 
gives a figure, in Joules, precisely equal to the rise in rotational KE.

So, generally, this interaction is indeed energy conservative, as well as 
momentum conservative.

Rotational KE however is also a function of MoI.  So, it's a central factor in 
both momentum, and KE.

Rot KE = ½ MoI times angular velocity squared (½Iw², equivalent to the ½mV² 
linear metric).

These are just the standard formulas, not complicated equations.   Everyone 
here can solve them in seconds.

So with these points in mind, please observe the "MoI exploit" diagram:  it 
shows that it is trivially-easy to cut MoI in half, by suddenly locating twice 
as much mass, at half the radius.

Again, because MoI squares with radius (it's mass times radius squared), twice 
the mass at half the radius equals half the MoI.

This MoI change occurs instantaneously, and is caused by the torque being 
applied to the orbiting motors.

The instant it is applied, the system's MoI ceases being a function of the 
absolute mass radius, and instead devolves to that of the orbiting mass radius 
being borne at the orbiting axes themselves..

..and so its value is halved.

Yet, it is a closed-system of interacting masses, without a stator - so, it has 
no mechanical means of exchanging momentum with the outside world.  Its 
momentum is conserved.

So, its speed instantly doubles.

Yet rotKE squares with speed - it doesn't simply double or half...

..and so half the MoI at twice the speed equals twice the energy.

CoAM has just doubled our system KE, for free - we've performed zero work 
against centrifugal force - we haven't even performed the radial translation 
yet, the masses are still out at their physical max radius.  But their mass is 
only 'felt' - only has substantive context in relation to - the radius of the 
torque-couple - ie. the radius of the motor axis applying the torque.

At the same time however, this torque is cancelling the real rotations of the 
orbiting rotors, and so transferring their very real momentum over to the 
central axis instead, conserving its total.

But, because they're no longer actually rotating, the orbiting rotors are not 
generating axial CF force...

..the masses are still subject to orbital CF force, however the inbound vs 
outbound F*d integrals for that workload are mutually self-cancelling, summing 
to zero work done.

Hence that final radial translation, consolidating the effective (dynamic) MoI 
reduction and subsequent KE rise, with a physical (static), equal MoI 
reduction, is free to perform - no net work has been done.

So in summary, in the basic "200%, no gravity" example, the system begins 
coasting, carrying 8 J of rotKE, with an MoI of 16 kg-m².

That MoI is then halved down to 8 kg-m², the instant torque's applied to the 
orbiting rotors.  So system velocity - and rotKE - duly double. Instantly.  
Without accelerating.

Physical slabs of mass simply 'flip' between physical velocities, 
INSTANTANEOUSLY.   An "infinite acceleration", in zero time.  No measurable 
acceleration phase at all, basically.  Just a binary change in speed - and 
corresponding kinetic energy.

Please, don't stress, anyone - i had low expectations of what to expect here, 
but precisely because of the absurdity of the claim in contrast to Vorts' high 
level of scholarship.  Again, everyone here can solve this on the back of an 

If it helps, here are two further control cases to compare to the previous ones:

in the first, the radial translation - and thus, physical consolidation of the 
energy gain - has been omitted:<>

So here, the effect is exploiting a regular (fully conservative) GPE 
interaction (that of its own mass), however the MoI reduction - and thus the 
energy gain - only exist whilst torque's being applied to that orbiting axis.

So, if we clicked forwards one frame after it's paused there, we'd see the MoI 
instantly flip back to double its value, and the speed and KE instantly halve 
in response.

Finally, for the benefit of those already thinking in terms of open vs closed 
system momenta (you're on the right track!), here's what happens when we try to 
harness the KE gain by applying an external stator:<>

Here, the net system's rotation drives the lower cogwheel / sprocket, which is 
affixed to the background (world).  That external 'stator wheel' then drives an 
identical one at the central axis, which in turn drives the two orbiting 
rotors.  Think chains & sprockets, or drive belts / pulleys, whatever.

We see that the net system momentum is no longer conserved - the instant that 
transmission system's engaged, applying the orbiting torques, the net system 
momentum crashes, dumping half of it to earth, via that lower stator wheel.

Comparing that last run back to the gain outcomes, we see that in contrast, 
their KE gain is contingent upon the net system momentum remaining isolated, 
and all torques and counter-torques being contained.

What you're thus seeing is a 'divergent frame of reference' - an effective 
violation of Newton's 3rd law, wrought by manipulating the system's effective 
mass constancy (again, see the "MoI exploit" explanation).

If energy is ultimately conserved, then almost by definition it's being 
provided by the Higgs, and thus this could be the absolute antitheses of a 
'free lunch', in really, really bad way..

Flying blind here guys, really depending on piquing the inner classicist in all 
y'all.. a few mins, Notepad, Calculator, Google...     I'm certain you will not 
be wasting your time, but you're the first folks to see it with any chance of 
grasping it.  I'm a complete loner, trying to reach out for some kind of 
initial peer review.   It's not a machine design, just a series of simple, 
elementary measurements.  It is the validity of these measurements that require 
your attention (again, not prospective machine designs!)..

If those measurements are invalid, then the matter is trifling, i'm (still) an 
idiot, no harm done and your services to the cause are well-rendered and just.

If OTOH they're correct, then this is not a frivolous matter and so i'm trying 
to do the responsible thing and elevate accordingly.   So please, gents - 
science hats on, and "check it again!"..

Any questions / clarifications, fire away.

NB:  again, the 'motors' aren't 'electrical' - they're just torque * angle, as 
metered, the same standard metric throughout, and which resolves to unity in 
the above example using an external stator (as in all other uses).  Likewise, 
the 'linear actuators' are merely the application of linear force and 
displacement, as metered.  Thus neither has any means of applying any more 
energy than their classical 'work done' as a function of the force and 
displacement being plotted.   Moreover, the system always has precisely the 
correct rotational KE for its momentum's given distribution of MoI and RPM, so 
there is no accounting gap that might signal the presence of a further input 
energy source.  This is simply a measurement of elementary classical forces 
interacting, not a machine design - a simulation, not mere animation, and 
furthermore the gain's being calculated in real-time, in duplicate - 
independently by me (using the above standard equations), as well as by the 
sim's own low-level calculus.

On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 1:19 AM Dave Roberson 
<<>> wrote:
Vibrator, I am confident that if you confine your concept to a closed system 
that both the angular momentum and angular energy will be conserved.  In  a 
simple case of a rotating object, if the MoI is changed by a factor of two, 
then the object spin will speed up or down by that factor.  And, as a 
consequence the angular energy will remain the same since it is proportional to 
the square of the angular speed but inversely proportional to the MoI.

I can not comment upon your special system because for some reason I did not 
get additional information about your setup.  You can be assured that the 
conservation laws are intact.


Sent from 
 for Windows 10

From: Vibrator ! <<>>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 2:34:15 PM
Subject: [Vo]:A simple example of Mechanical Over-Unity

It looks to me like a fait accompli, but i might as well be claiming prince 
Albert in a can.  Yet i NEED to know whether this is real or crass error.  Some 
kind of resolution!

It's just basic mechanics - force, mass & motion.  I know there's people here 
with a good grasp of classical physics - and this really IS dead-simple - all i 
need is anyone confident enough in that knowledge to be prepared to 'call it', 
one way or the other.

I'm on me lonesome here - no academic contacts whatsoever, and with the mother 
of all absurd claims..

What it is:

 - Changing MoI, whilst rotating, without performing any work against CF force. 
 Decreasing and increasing MoI this way effectively creates and destroys 
rotational KE.

 - MoI is caused to 'flip', instantly, thus causing an instantaneous change in 
velocity, ie. a binary change in physical velocity, without physically 
accelerating, or equivalently, via an effectively infinite acceleration.

 - A series of Working Model sims demonstrating these results, tracking all 
input and output energy; the latter, calculated via two independent routes in 
parallel, with perfect agreement and in apparent confirmation of OU.

There are two different forms of input work applied:

 - crude 'motors' - tho not meaningfully 'electrical'; they're simply torque 
controlled over angle, and so producing a "torque * angle" plot

 - 'linear actuators' - but again, merely the application of linear force 
controlled over a displacement, and again plotted accordingly

So i've been taking these two integrals - at least, in those cases where's 
there's any input work at all - as 32,765 data points crunched with a Riemann 
sum via Excel.

Happy to provide those if anyone wants to see 'em.

Likewise, if anyone wants to see any variations / sanity checks, i can knock up 
more sims..

The thing is, in the most basic form of the interaction, there's no input work 
at all.. yet a 200% KE gain.

With only a very trivial modification (gravity brought into play), the gain 
rises to 800% - partly because the torque * angle integral goes substantially 

I've solved it down to 1/10th of a microjoule, so the gain appears to be many 
orders over noise.

Please - anyone - is this for real or have i completely lost it?<>

NB: MoI switch-downs greater than factors of two are equally feasible - so we 
could likewise square or cube rotKE with little more difficulty..

Climbing the walls here..

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