Uhh, Jed.... I proposed explicitly that YOU would be more suited to go
and test but you declined.   Alan S said that it would take $1000 for
a gamma spectrometer, but he's off by 10X.   Let's just apply that
coefficient elsewhere, shall we?

I think it'll take $5k to train me.   Applying Allan's incorrection
coefficient, it would make the training $50k.   I think it would be
several thousand in expenses, most of us don't even think it would be
that much so there's no need to apply Allan's incorrection
coefficient.  But it's easy to see that we're already at $60k before I
step foot on a plane to London.   Again, and as it SAYS on the
GoFundMe page, someone else can do it and I'll happily send them the
money in my stead.

> Plus, if I understand correctly, he is asking for $100,000. That's about
> $97,000 more than anyone needs to do this. That surely is fraud, to use the
> word Russ dares not say.
***Jed, you yourself wrote on LENR-Forum that you would do it for
$1Million.   So if I'm fraudulent at $100k, then you are 10X more
fraudulent.   See how this 10X incorrection coefficient is helpful in
weeding out bullshit?   What would it take for YOU to bell the cat?
You are the one who keeps bringing up the bell-the-cat concept.  So go
ahead and post what it would take, and let me just call you a fraud
already so that we can all be on the same page.

On 5/18/19, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <russ.geo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> His GofundMe campaign seems to be predicated on his raising money based
>> on
>> his coming to the lab to view my work. I repeat he is NOT invited. That
>> puts all his messaging into the realm of worse than bullshit, as when one
>> is raising money on false pretenses there is a different word for that.
> Plus, if I understand correctly, he is asking for $100,000. That's about
> $97,000 more than anyone needs to do this. That surely is fraud, to use the
> word Russ dares not say.
> - Jed

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