I am a believer in the 1st and 2nd laws of thermo-dynamics.  This includes the 
idea of negative energy associated with vacuum (aether) phenomena and the idea 
that the 2nd law is the tendency of macroscopic and quantum systems to swap 
potential energy in favor of kinetic energy.

The source of the potential energy  releases from a glob of H or D is the key 
question.  The burnishing process would take some mechanical energy  to break 
the Pd bonds and to form the new arrangement of atoms (with higher potential 
energy) on the Ni mesh,  It may be that the mesh size is critical in forming 
the new Pd configuration that can be further compressed as the Casimir force 
does its final densification.  If a Casimir force is involved, then the source 
of potential energy could come from the vacuum.

See the following diverse descriptions of Casmir Effect:


The second quantized electromagnetic field “depends on the shapes and positions 
of the conductors and dielectrics, the Casimir effect manifests itself as a 
force between such objects” and is associated with potential energy of closely 
spaced metallic conductors.

Phonic vibrations of the Ni mesh as a function of temperature may be the 
required phenomena, as well as the coupling needed, to extract potential energy 
from the vacuum and convert it to thermal (kinetic energy) of the Ni lattice.

Bob Cook

From: JonesBeene <jone...@pacbell.net>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 7:00:24 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:What is special about ~630 eV ?

One detail which may figure into the understanding of the new Mizuno work is 
the wavelength of photons at 630 eV.

Dense deuterium as it is characterized in about two dozen papers will have a 
binding energy of ~630 eV – at least that is the energy signature which has 
been measured. Mizuno mentions this energy level but it is not clear that he 
has actually measured it.

That particular energy level corresponds to a photon wavelength which is very 
close to 2 nanometers.

There are several reasons why 2 nm may be relevant to understanding the 
dynamics of the Mizuno device.

Two nm is the maximum separation geometry for the appearance of the Casimir 
force. Also 2 nm  may relate to the thickness achieved when palladium is 
burnished onto nickel mesh or else to the size of surface pitting after the 
burnishing, or both.

One possible scenario for the energy release  goes something like this.

The Casimir force which is exerted on the thin palladium coating of nickel mesh 
serves to compress deuterons into a cluster of atoms - in which a large number 
of atoms become bound together. The energy represented by this soft x-ray 
emission at 630 eV  is not coming from the Casimir force itself. After all, it 
is a force not an emitter.

The strong force may become involved at this point to provide the binding 
energy in similar way that gluons bind quarks.  That binding energy can later 
be released when the cluster is disrupted or more likely when it  
self-destructs  at a critical size level of around 90-95 atoms. That release of 
binding energy is the ultimate derivation of the soft x-ray which is seen. Most 
of the mass<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass> of hadrons is actually QCD 
binding energy, through mass-energy 
equivalence<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass-energy_equivalence>. Some of 
that can perhaps be shared on a larger geometric scale with the cluster – and 
therefore the energy release is nuclear, but not coming directly from a 


Of interest – could the heat of the Mizuno device be partly or mostly nuclear… 
but also … NON-fusion and NON-weak force ?

A mass-energy value which keeps turning up in dense hydrogen cluster papers is 
630 eV. It apparently relates to energy released by a cluster of dense hydrogen 
which has become disordered. This is a measured value – not a theory. This 
value  is mentioned many times by Miley and also by Mizuno.

This is an unusually strong  value energetically for chemistry but weak for 
nuclear.  For comparison the chemical bond energy of two deuterons to each 
other is 4.5 eV and the weakest beta emission is in the few keV range. 630 eV 
would be middle ground – a very soft x-ray which few meters can detect.

There is a Rydberg multiple at ~625 eV but it seems crazy to suggest that this 
would be a favored value for Mills’ theory as it doesn’t turn up in any of his 

The BEC cluster of deuterons which are bound to each other by a poorly 
understood mechanism are said to contain around 100 atoms by Miley’s group and 
less than that  by Holmlid who sees the structure as linear as opposed to 
globular. Apparently both seem to believe the numberof atoms  in a BEC is not 

I am wondering if the common denominator between energies which are  hi-chem 
but  low-nuke has anything to do with Don Hotson’s EPO.


The ionization potential of positronium is 6.8 eV. Hotson envisioned a 
universal background “aether” to be composed of EPOs – basically positronium in 
4 space. Presumably it would still have the same characteristic binding energy. 
Thus, In a cluster of around 100 deuterons at 2 pm separation, bound in some 
kind of stable arrangement, if about 93 of them acted as a single unit in 
decay, then possibly the result would be a single photon of this value 630 eV. 
That is a huge stretch as there is absolutely no reason to suspect that there 
could be such a favored number of atoms nor that they would act in unison.

But QM is strange and QCD is stranger. There are no satisfactory explanations 
for now - but the beauty of the recent news from Mizuno is that now - at long 
last there appears to be a justifiable expectation for finding on demand power 
at the kilowatt level without gamma radiation.

The real clincher of the announcement is the image that has been imprinted on 
physicists everywhere - that fabulous image of the Mizuno reactor taken in from 
of a fireplace, reportedly providing winter time heat in one of the colder 
parts of Japan. An instant classic !!


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