From: Axil Axil

➢ The gain might not be thermal, but ultraviolet light.

Technically , if the main mechanism for  gain is photonic in the 630 eV range – 
that mass-energy level  is categorized as  a soft x-ray which  is stronger than 

If this turned out to be a Mills-type of hydrino reaction, which it partially 
resembles - then yes – the gain would be ultraviolet. Of course, in the end 
either UV or soft x-rays would be downshifted into thermal – as they are in the 
range of ‘universally absorbed’ and none of that kind of radiation escapes a 
steel reactor as anything but heat.

The problem with suggesting Holmlid’s theory  is that one of the main 
mechanisms for gain is proton disintegration into muons – much of which 
radiation would escape without being captured.

We can probably rule out Holmlid’s main hypothesis since Mizuno is still alive 
and in good health. Same for fusion. If his  home furnace was producing 3 
kilowatts of heat from proton annihilation into muons for much of the winter, 
or from nuclear fusion - severe health problems would surely be evident. 

At this stage there is nothing wrong with suggesting that the thermal gain 
comes partly from a Millsean mechanism and partly from Holmlid’s but mostly… 
and without a doubt,  the breakthrough is from Mizuno’s “Aladdin effect” 
technique of surface alloying. 

One thing we can be sure of -- attribution will be contested on many fronts -  
but it is Mizuno who let the genie out of the lamp – no doubt there and 
secondly, the main beneficiaries are likely to be the Chinese, if this is real. 
They have the perfect market for such a device as the one we are seeing.

The main Mills’ patents have expired but they will negate many of the  later 
attempt by patent trolls to control a fractional hydrogen modality. As everyone 
is aware – a source of kilowatt level clean heat – as is epitomized in the 
fabulous hearth image in the new Mizuno paper – well, that  is a trillion 
dollar invention and every greedy bastard on the planet will be trying to get 
their fingers in the pot. But hey – that is the essence of capitalism. And 
isn’t it ironic that former communists will probably be the main beneficiaries.


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