The world energy market is roughly $6 trillion per year:

$1.8 trillion per year is invested in energy, in things like digging wells,
R&D, erecting wind towers and so on.

That is the pot of money you can tap into with cold fusion. $1.8 trillion
is the amount people will be willing to invest in cold fusion R&D per year,
once it becomes clear that cold fusion will become a practical source of
energy. $6 trillion per year is how much money you can divert from the oil,
gas and coal companies earnings into your own pocket if you succeed in
commercializing it. Not overnight, but in a remarkably short time. Roughly
the time it took automobiles to replace most horses, which was from 1908
when the Model T was introduced, to 1928.

So, how do you make this money? Not by trying to sell energy! That is a
highly regulated industry. It is a difficult and complex business. The way
to make money is to sell equipment. You gradually divert the earnings of
energy industry into earnings by you. Many companies are already doing
this, by selling machines with improved efficiency. Suppose you make an
efficient water heater.  You can sell it at a premium, and make more
profit. The customer is willing to pay more because it reduces the natural
gas bill and saves money overall.

The average water heater costs $55 a month in gas. Suppose the customer
ends up paying you $10 month more for your heater, but he saves $20 a month
in gas. In effect, you are reducing the gas company's earnings by $20, and
splitting the money between you and your customer.

The potential is greater with cold fusion, because you eliminate the entire
cost of fuel. You and the customer spit the $55; the gas company loses the
whole amount.

It is even more attractive for big ticket equipment. If an apartment
complex pays $1000 a month for the gas space heating, you sell them a
heater that costs about $500 a month more than a gas heater. The natural
gas company loses $1000, you and the customer each make $500. After 20
years the equipment wears out and you sell a replacement. It is a steady
stream of income. It is siphoned off from a $6 trillion pot of money, so
there is plenty more money to grab. There is no way the energy companies
can compete or under-price you.

This is not a one-time profit. It is a steady stream of income, because the
equipment wears out and must be replaced.

In real life you have competition, and as you gradually wear away at gas,
oil and coal company earnings, they lower their costs, and the amount left
on the table decreases. But in principle, that is how it works.

This only works out well if the cold fusion apartment complex space heater
costs roughly as much to manufacture as a gas-fired heater. I think it
will, because it is not particularly complicated and the materials are not
rare. For the most part, it consists of pumps, thermostats and whatnot that
are the same as the ones in a gas-fired or electric heater. Once the
technology matures, there is no reason to think it will cost more. But you
can *sell it* for much more, with much larger profits. The customer will be
happy to pay more, because it eliminates the cost of fuel. Over the life of
the machine, the fuel costs more than the equipment. So you have a
tremendous potential profit margin. If the customer cannot afford the
up-front cost, you can arrange for leasing. As long as it ends up costing
substantially less per month, the customer will be happy. As old gas-fired
equipment wears out, your equipment gradually replaces gas fired heaters.
Then as your equipment wears out, you keep selling cold fusion heaters.

To reiterate, the money goes from the natural gas company into your pocket,
and into the customer's pocket, even though you are not selling energy *per
se*. The amount of money waiting for you to tap into and transfer is $6
trillion per year. That is the most lucrative business opportunity in
history. Every industrial company will understand that the first day it
becomes generally known that cold fusion is real. They will soon be
spending billions of dollars per year to develop it, just as they are now
spending billions to develop self-driving cars.

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