Axil Axil <> wrote:

> *Furthermore, from studying LENR results over the years, it is becoming
> increasingly apparent to me that LENR has a major issue to deal with. LENR
> makes matter and energy disappear. A major problem with LENR reactors is
> that they fall apart over time. This highly corrosive effect that these
> reactors suffer is due to this nasty issue of matter and energy
> degeneration. This degenerative process only gets worse when the power
> output level of the reactor goes up.*
Can you point to any experimental papers describing these problems?

I have read and copy edited hundreds of papers on cold fusion. Many of them
I did not understand well, especially the theory papers. The experimental
ones I did understand. In the course of reading all this stuff, I have not
seen an evidence for what you say here. Nothing. Your assertions are
entirely imaginary as far as I know. So I do not think we need to worry
about them.

We have enough real problems in this field. We don't need to worry about
imaginary ones.

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