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You raised the following questions and comments:

1) What is this "coherent system", and specifically, in what respect is it

coherent, i.e. which property of the system?

2) How do you propose that the nuclear energy is actually coupled to the phonic


3) Changes in angular momentum of nuclei are usually paired with emission of a

gamma ray or particle to conserve angular momentum. If you want to avoid this,

then you need to provide an actual physical mechanism by which the angular

momentum is transferred to the lattice, and specifically what it is in the

lattice that it couples to. Furthermore, what is it that makes this method

preferable above the usual methods (e.g. gamma emission)?


  1.  A  coherent system is adiabatic system of energy, including local packets 
of energy—electrons positrons and neutrinos---that are coupled by a EM field 
that responds very quickly (less than 10e-30mseconds) to energy additions or 
losses by changing the space relation of the energy packets.  A good example is 
a semi conductor crystal that absorbs an electron packet of energy and very 
quickly changes the allowable energy state of conduction  electrons.  There is 
no apparent delay associated with the allowed energy state across the 
macroscopic rang of the semi conductor.  Systems which harbor phonic energy are 
coherent systems, since the lattice acts as a whole without any time dely.

The energy of the coherent system is constrained by  small quanta of energy and 
angular momentum in accordance with Planck’s theory of quantized energy and 
quantized angular momentum.  In addition the coherent system will adjust the 
relative positions of energy packets to increase their relative motions 
(kinetic energies) and reduce their total potential energy increasing entropy 
per the second law of thermodynamics..

  1.  As noted above the coherent system is coupled by EM fields—primarily 
magnetic fields that connect electron orbital angular momentum with nuclear 
angular momentum, including energy packet intrinsic spin  angular momentum 
which  reflects the magnetic moment associated with those packets of energy.

  1.  There is no gamma emission within the coherent system—only instanteous 
changes of  angular momentum  and/or energy between between locations within 
the coherent system.  (Later in time adjacent coherent systems may conduct heat 
between them selves via radiant EM coupling or other coupling involving phonic 
energy changes of the original coherent system.  Too much phonic energy will 
destroy the lattice of the system in question.

Bob Cook

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