In reply to's message of Mon, 29 Jul 2019 16:52:00
Hi Bob,

Have you found any evidence that gamma ray emitters don't emit gamma rays when
the nucleus emitting the gamma ray is incoporated in a semi-conductor crystal? 

Note that absorbtion of external gamma rays by semi-conductors, that then
convert the gamma energy into other forms is very inefficient (2%)*, which is
something I would not expect if the lattice as a whole were absorbing the
energy. (Of course you may argue that since the source of the gamma in this case
is external, the nucleus from which it was emitted had no opportunity to couple
with the lattice. Hence my question above.

* See e.g.

As I understand it, an external gamma ray is usually at least partly absorbed by
an atomic electron, which results in the atom being ionized, and the electron
leaving with at least some of the energy of the gamma. The electron may then in
turn ionize other atoms. The net result is lots of ionized atoms and free

If those free electons are anywhere other than in the junction of a diode, then
their energy will eventually be converted to heat when they recombine with the
ions. Even those electrons that are in the junction will lose some of their
energy to electrical resistance. Given that the junction is usually only a small
part of a semi-conductor diode, the overall efficiency may be expected to be
low, as seen in the paper quoted here above.

>  1.  A  coherent system is adiabatic system of energy, including local 
> packets of energy—electrons positrons and neutrinos---that are coupled by a 
> EM field that responds very quickly (less than 10e-30mseconds) to energy 
> additions or losses by changing he special relation of the energy packets.  A 
> good example is a semi conductor crystal that absorbs an electron packet of 
> energy and very quickly changes the allowable energy state of conduction  
> electrons.  There is no apparent delay associated with the allowed energy 
> state across the macroscopic rang of the semi conductor.  Systems which 
> harbor phonic energy are coherent systems, since the lattice acts as a whole 
> without any time dely.
>The energy of the coherent system is constrained by  small quanta of energy 
>and angular momentum in accordance with Planck’s theory of quantized energy 
>and quantized angular momentum.  In addition the coherent system will adjust 
>the relative positions of energy packets to increase their relative motions 
>(kinetic energies) and reduce their total potential energy increasing entropy 
>per the second law of thermodynamics..
>  1.  As noted above the coherent system is coupled by EM fields—primarily 
> magnetic fields that connect electron orbital angular momentum with nuclear 
> angular momentum, including energy packet intrinsic spin  angular momentum 
> which  reflects the magnetic moment associated with those packets of energy.
>  1.  There is no gamma emission within the coherent system—only instanteous 
> changes of  angular momentum  and/or energy between between locations within 
> the coherent system.  (Later in time adjacent coherent systems may conduct 
> heat between them selves via radiant EM coupling or other coupling involving 
> phonic energy changes of the original coherent system.  Too much phonic 
> energy will destroy the lattice of the system in question.
>Bob Cook

Robin van Spaandonk

local asymmetry = temporary success

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