
Assuming a magnetic field is a dimension.,  like space,  time and angular 
momentum which occur in discrete quanta of their respective known 
characteristics (seconds, meters, h/2pi angular momentum, and   B the magnetic 
field--quantized along with an electric field at a quanta considerably below 
the average field for the volume of an electron, )  then the relativistic 
electrons with their momentum and intense local electric field could be in fact 
be combining with the nearby magnetic quanta to form new photons.  These new 
photons are left in the empty 3D  space  to gather as  polariton condensates to 
conserve angular momentum spin energy.  The passing electron would necessarily 
slow down to, loosing kinetic energy and linear momentum as well as some 
angular momentum, both of which may be conserved in the reaction.

Planck was famous for speculating that the only real entities may be 
fields—i.e., dimensional quanta known as fields to modern physics.

To handle this existence of quantized dimensions conceptually and accurately, 
science needs a new mathematics similar to calculus that can be cut off at some 
small amount (but not infinitesimal) to match real data from experiments.  
Uncertainty could become an idea of a past time dimension in the minds of 
humans and other real entities that might exist elsewhere in space and time.  
Finite element analyses that super computers can do may actually already 
provide the new math suggested above.   Even if they are not capable of 
handling the calculations for actual quantum dimensions, they could suggest 
what the real quantum dimensions are by extrapolations to real data from real 
observations.  (Quarks with their 1/3 electric charges may really be electric 
field quanta confined to a small volume of 3D space quanta.)

  Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil <>
Sent: Friday, November 8, 2019 11:45:38 AM
To: vortex-l <>
Subject: [Vo]:Science discoveries how LENR works

It was only a matter of time before science discovered the basic process upon 
which LENR energy is generated. The few highly capable LENR reactors produce 
Extreme ultraviolet radiation (EUV or XUV)  as their primary output energy 

Electrons passing over nanophotonic materials could create synchrotron-like 

Electron flyby: illustration of how encounters between relativistic electrons 
and vacuum fluctuations can generate X-rays. (Courtesy: Nicholas Rivera et 
al/Nature Physics)

The interaction between electrons and a rough metal surface produce high energy 
photons derived from the vacuum. These photons come from the vacuum as mediated 
by polariton condensation. This experiment could be a proof of principle for 
the generation of Hawking radiation from polariton condensation.

In Hawking radiation, the polariton condensate  produces low energy infrared 
photons as a "positive energy" product having a positive frequency, but high 
energy EUV photons as "negative energy" having a negative frequency.  As in 
this case, zero vacuum energy is balanced when negative vacuum energy is 
created to offset positive vacuum energy production, but that negative vacuum 
energy is not permanently sequestered by gravity.

The high energy EUV photons produced in high powered LENR reactors like Rossi's 
SK reactor, Mills SunCell, and the SAFIRE project could be generated as 
negative vacuum energy photons.


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