You noted the following:

“The rigid momenta (+,-spin) in all dimension do vanish but not their action. 
If you e.g. squeeze a proton then the "strong force" decreases what causes the 
centrifugal force to dominate and forces the proton to expand again. Even more 
weird is adding magnetic flux. Adding on stable new orbit in average decreases  
charge (because space-time-volume decreases) - adding to a wave increases 
(internal) charge.”

In this thread I suggested that magnetism may be 1 of several primal  
dimensions that present themselves in a consistent manner when combined with 
other primal dimensions of electric charge, time, and angular momentum in 
specific volumes—quanta—of space, which is also a primal  dimension of knowable 

Following this conjecture, your (Jurg’s) magnetic flux is nothing more than the 
addition of magnetic quanta to specific space quanta and associated time 
quanta.  (I would note that, if the time quanta happen to be below 0, that may 
explain magnetic flux disappearance from known existence.  In this regard time 
less than 0 is equivalent to unknowable existence.

I would add the idea that the dimensional space quanta I have in mind may be 
orders of magnitude smaller than the space dimensions making up   a proton.   I 
do not consider that the singularities suggested by classical physics fits a 
conjecture of a quantum reality.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10

From: Jürg Wyttenbach <ju...@datamart.ch>
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 3:59:57 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Science discoveries how LENR works


Does your understanding of the source of a magnetic field include a lower limit 
on the magnitude of the field? You speak of resonant fields being active in 
particle condensation—i.e., creation.  Can those resonances be infinitesimal or 
infinite in frequency?  If not why not?

Classically a EM wave is of infinite large size and dilutes to "nothing". 
Nevertheless to detect it we need a system that obeys the law(s) of a minimal 
action. But this does not answer the question where the EM energy is going to? 
Without introducing an ether like construct we will not find an answer. But 
this is the other end of the story.

Coupling in my understanding is followed by an action and needs a force between 
the actors. Any two 2D orthogonal magnetic lines can symmetrically couple. The 
radius of such a faint interaction is close to infinite. This could directly 
lead to the idea that magnetic lines are the ether itself and only a curvature 
makes them visible.

Mass as we understand it is a stable EM field with a constant curvature on a 
closed orbit. Only well defined amounts of mass are stable as the relation 
between mass and and virtual charge in average must be constant. I'm pretty 
sure that after some creative work we will be able to derive all possible 
stable masses and also will be able to describe the decay of unstable ones.

Unluckily SO(4) introduces a new hurdle due to the fact as we have a 4(6) 
dimensional single side surface that in a projection to our classic mechanics 
needs a complex treating. To illustrate this: The rigid momenta (+,-spin) in 
all dimension do vanish but not their action. If you e.g. squeeze a proton then 
the "strong force" decreases what causes the centrifugal force to dominate and 
forces the proton to expand again. Even more weird is adding magnetic flux. 
Adding on stable new orbit in average decreases  charge (because 
space-time-volume decreases) - adding to a wave increases (internal) charge.

Standard tensor calculous will not work for a general EM-mass solution in SO(4) 
as the action is circular. Quaternions works for a subclass of the problems 
namely the Clifford torus based core flux. But the connections to 6D needs more 
brain power added.


Am 11.11.19 um 20:56 schrieb 


Thanks for that lead to “Maple Physics:”


I am not sure that my review of the description of the extensive calculation 
features of the Maple Software package—a free trial is available at 
Amazon—i.e., a finite element calculation with up to  6 independent variables 
and very small finite elements is available in the Maple package.

Does your understanding of the source of a magnetic field include a lower limit 
on the magnitude of the field? You speak of resonant fields being active in 
particle condensation—i.e., creation.  Can those resonances be infinitesimal or 
infinite in frequency?  If not why not?

My argument in this thread is that there likely is a lower limit and/or an 
upper limit on frequency.  This reflects my conclusion about quantized 

Bob Cook


From: Jürg Wyttenbach <ju...@datamart.ch><mailto:ju...@datamart.ch>
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 4:10:43 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com> 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Science discoveries how LENR works


Unluckily only a few people used SO(4) so far mainly for simplifying SM math 
with a more general notation. The same holds for quaternions & octonions.
Maple has no specific SO(4) module although it is very powerful in handling 
abstract physics.

The main problem all physicists will face is that the notion of quantization 
will be defined more general as a fraction of a wave/orbit length of e.g. 6 
dimensions. The illusion everything is based on h (plank quantum) was OK for 
the first beginners approach to nuclear and particle physics but inside dense 
matter all exchange is based on magnetic resonances. The SM claimed sea of 
photons (virtual particles) of what ever nature, emerged from an other illusion 
that physics is restricted to three real dimensions.

The true image of magnetic interaction is that it can be additive or 
subtractive what is equivalent to compressing space (reducing covered space 
time energy) or expanding space. For the old (primitive) SM model this looks 
like emerging or disappearing (virtual and sometimes real) particles.
Real particles are magnetic resonances that start a new joint rotation whereas 
virtual particles just add mass to a magnetic orbit. I would recommend to 
deeply investigate the Holmlid dense hydrogen system as this experiment is 
currently the only one that is reproducible and allows to add "any" mass to an 
existing magnetic (D*/H*) orbit. from the physics point of view you can add as 
much mass as the coupling (counter-) mass on the other "side" allows. If the 
mass is over the threshold then the waves must restructure the binding (virtual 
coupling charge changes) what in the proton case is about the mass needed to 
form two Kaons minus proton mass. The counter mass is already (almost) given by 
the latent excess mass of e.g. 2 D*-D* (pre 4-He state).

All magnetic mass has an angular momentum as any magnetic field line is 
equivalent to a circular current. Thus in your sense the neutrino would be an 
other form of mass than EM mass, what is highly unlikely.

Unluckily I currently have no time to model particles albeit the Holmlid case 
is very interesting. For somebody with access to the detailed experimental data 
it would be a matter of 2-3 days to find the resonant (H*/D*-clusters) SO(4) 
orbits for Holmlids kaon/pions/muons.


Am 10.11.19 um 21:17 schrieb 


Is there computer software that does SO(4)math to your knowledge?   If so, is 
it publicly   available?

It would seem that what you describe as rotational mixing may involve an 
angular momentum quanta to give a common direction to adjacent 3D space  quanta 
 making up a cubic (or maybe spheroidal) array of a small—quantum-- volume(s) 
of EMPTY space.

EMPTY space* may itself be quantized with a value of 0 or 1 depending on 
whether or not there are other space dimensions with an associated time at 1 or 
above or minus 1 and lower.  (Real space quanta below 0 do not exist as an 

  A more complex assemblage of real spheroidal  space quanta around a single 
spheroidal quanta may occur with changing  time quanta together with a single 
angular momentum quanta associated with the central spheroidal space quanta and 
a magnetic and/or electric  quanta.  (Note everything that is known can be 
described by a 5 or maybe 6  dimensional system of time, Empty space*, real 
space, magnetic field, electric field and angular momentum quanta.)

* Empty space may not be necessary to provide an adequate physical description 
of reality.

Neutrinos may nicely fit into this physical system in that there would be no 
magnetic or electric quanta associated with the angular momentum quanta and the 
circulating space volume quanta considered for electrons and other electrically 
charged primary “particles”.

Bob Cook



From: Jürg Wyttenbach<mailto:ju...@datamart.ch>
Sent: Saturday, November 9, 2019 11:08 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Science discoveries how LENR works


SO(4) physics is a field only approach. Charge only occurs as a virtual mass in 

Fields do synchronize like rigid rotators. If the "orbits" are "equivalent" 
then coupling occurs. But there are more criteria for a coupling to occur as 
always a force must be at work that finally "aligns" two rotating masses to 
form a new common rotation. Stable orbits always  involve at least two 
rotations, what e.g. the folks around 1910 believed to be the orbiting electron 
around a proton. Today we know that the magnetic mass of the electron couples ( 
2 rotations) to the potential of the proton that is also formed by a two 
rotation mass.

But unluckily this is not the full story as the electron does two more 
half-rotations and also the proton has a three rotation substructure and a 4 
rotation core. Classic quantization is a good approximation to a linear 
reality. But electrons and protons finally interact in 4 mixed rotation 
dimensions and all orbits are coupled. As coupling adds new rotating masses to 
more than one rotation it is keen to believe that these connections are still 
simple natural numbers. The problem is the mismatch between rotating dimensions 
and Eigenvalues of the energy that always has a feedback to charge (in fact the 

Axil: Polarized photons do the follow the same (1FC 2x2) orbits as the mass in 
H*-H*. There is no such thing as LENR energy. It's all about coupling orbits on 
2x2 rotation dimensions.


Am 09.11.19 um 17:59 schrieb 


Assuming a magnetic field is a dimension.,  like space,  time and angular 
momentum which occur in discrete quanta of their respective known 
characteristics (seconds, meters, h/2pi angular momentum, and   B the magnetic 
field--quantized along with an electric field at a quanta considerably below 
the average field for the volume of an electron, )  then the relativistic 
electrons with their momentum and intense local electric field could be in fact 
be combining with the nearby magnetic quanta to form new photons.  These new 
photons are left in the empty 3D  space  to gather as  polariton condensates to 
conserve angular momentum spin energy.  The passing electron would necessarily 
slow down to, loosing kinetic energy and linear momentum as well as some 
angular momentum, both of which may be conserved in the reaction.

Planck was famous for speculating that the only real entities may be 
fields—i.e., dimensional quanta known as fields to modern physics.

To handle this existence of quantized dimensions conceptually and accurately, 
science needs a new mathematics similar to calculus that can be cut off at some 
small amount (but not infinitesimal) to match real data from experiments.  
Uncertainty could become an idea of a past time dimension in the minds of 
humans and other real entities that might exist elsewhere in space and time.  
Finite element analyses that super computers can do may actually already 
provide the new math suggested above.   Even if they are not capable of 
handling the calculations for actual quantum dimensions, they could suggest 
what the real quantum dimensions are by extrapolations to real data from real 
observations.  (Quarks with their 1/3 electric charges may really be electric 
field quanta confined to a small volume of 3D space quanta.)

  Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com><mailto:janap...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, November 8, 2019 11:45:38 AM
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com><mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: [Vo]:Science discoveries how LENR works

It was only a matter of time before science discovered the basic process upon 
which LENR energy is generated. The few highly capable LENR reactors produce 
Extreme ultraviolet radiation (EUV or XUV)  as their primary output energy 


Electrons passing over nanophotonic materials could create synchrotron-like 


Electron flyby: illustration of how encounters between relativistic electrons 
and vacuum fluctuations can generate X-rays. (Courtesy: Nicholas Rivera et 
al/Nature Physics)

The interaction between electrons and a rough metal surface produce high energy 
photons derived from the vacuum. These photons come from the vacuum as mediated 
by polariton condensation. This experiment could be a proof of principle for 
the generation of Hawking radiation from polariton condensation.

In Hawking radiation, the polariton condensate  produces low energy infrared 
photons as a "positive energy" product having a positive frequency, but high 
energy EUV photons as "negative energy" having a negative frequency.  As in 
this case, zero vacuum energy is balanced when negative vacuum energy is 
created to offset positive vacuum energy production, but that negative vacuum 
energy is not permanently sequestered by gravity.

The high energy EUV photons produced in high powered LENR reactors like Rossi's 
SK reactor, Mills SunCell, and the SAFIRE project could be generated as 
negative vacuum energy photons.




Jürg Wyttenbach


8910 Affoltern a.A.

044 760 14 18

079 246 36 06

Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

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