From: Jürg Wyttenbach

➢ A LENR reaction producing 4-He (alpha) from D*-D* does not emit kinetic 
alphas as there is no momentum available. All nuclear magnetic flux is 

Is there physical evidence for this result ? 

Magnetic pulsing - at large flux - would seem to be falsifiable, even in a 
small electrolysis cell - using a magnetometer or even a pickup coil.

If I understand your theory, a  magnetic pulse would presumably follow a peak 
in deuterium loading, such as  following an electric pulse to the cahtode as a 
trigger to the reaction, no? 

If so, this flux should be measurable to validate your  theory.

Moreover - if a large  pulse of magnetic flux follows electrical stimulation, 
or even from a Holmlid-like laser pulse,  then there is an overlooked way to 
convert this kind of output into alternating current using nothing more 
complicated than an induction coil.


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