
Yes this 7-Li+H* --> 8-Li--> 8-Be ( according Lipinskis measurement)  is the only exception (with 4-He produced) because two alphas are repulsive.


Am 15.12.19 um 18:28 schrieb


The reaction I had in mind was Be-8 decay as a result of LENR involving Li-7 and a H.  The back to back energetic alphas from decay of Be-8 are pretty well validated IMHO,

Bob Cook

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*From: *Jürg Wyttenbach <>
*Sent: *Sunday, December 15, 2019 3:58 AM
*To: * <>
*Subject: *Re: [Vo]:This recent Palladium alloy is one of strongest alloys ever made

A LENR reaction producing 4-He (alpha) from D*-D* does not emit kinetic alphas as there is no momentum available. All nuclear magnetic flux is symmetric!

Only in a case where e.g. 3-He 3-H would be produced out of D*-D* there can be a "small" kinetic part.

A different case is the Holmlid reaction, where we see a disproportion of D*_x clusters with Kaon/Pion/Muon decay of certain protons where as others can go to alphas.

Proving LENR with kinetic alpha detection (Mayer Boss) was one of the main historic errors for the failure of the LENR confirmation. Direct measurement of 4-He was always successful.

Just forget standard model explanations as it does not account for the nuclear mass being EM mass.


Am 15.12.19 um 06:58 schrieb <>:

    In reply  <>'s 
message of Sat, 14 Dec 2019 23:42:37




        Robin and Jones—

        One thing I noticed is that the Nano -sized MG particles are made (a  
least in part) by ion deposition.  I can envision a Ni-H base or a Pd base or 
merely a Ni base  particle with layers of a few  atoms thickness that are the 
reactants at the surface of the nano particle which readily emit charged alphas 
or other charged particles that can facilitate direct electrical current and 
its energy.

    Direct electrical conversion may be possible if the particles could be 

    in vacuum in a magnetic field, in a chamber where the resonance frequency = 

    cyclotron frequency of the alphas in the magnetic field. This would 

    be a sort of magnetron that was "internally" powered, and the EM energy 

    then be tapped as the radius of the cycling alphas decreased while they

    delivered their energy to the resonant field. The distance between particles

    should be kept >> than the diameter of the circle that the alphas make in 

    field at their most energetic, to ensure that only a tiny percentage impact

    other particles and lose energy to heat.



    Robin van Spaandonk

    local asymmetry = temporary success

Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

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