In reply to  Jürg Wyttenbach's message of Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:58:21 +0100:
>A LENR reaction producing 4-He (alpha) from D*-D* does not emit kinetic 
>alphas as there is no momentum available. All nuclear magnetic flux is 
>Only in a case where e.g. 3-He 3-H would be produced out of D*-D* there 
>can be a "small" kinetic part.

1) Bob was talking about fast alphas. That doesn't necessarily mean that he was
thinking of the D*-D* reaction.

2) D*-D* -> He4 would indeed have a momentum problem, if it happened in
isolation. However if momentum can be exchanged with another nucleus then fast
alphas would be possible.

3) Another possibility for the D*-D* reaction is that fast electrons carry away
the energy since the "shrunken" electrons are "available".

4) In 3-He & 3-H cases, if there is only a "small" kinetic part, then where does
the majority of the energy go to? Note that the kinetic energy in *hot* fusion
is well known.


Robin van Spaandonk

local asymmetry = temporary success

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