<mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:

> Also the numbers are too low because of people that are infected and die
> away from medical care and thus don't get
> included in the statistics.

The number of people who die is too low for this reason. But, the number of
people who get sick and get no medical care is far higher than the number
of people who die without medical care. In other words, the number of
people who recover unaccounted for (without medical care) is far higher
than the number of deaths. In most cases, people with severe cases seek
medical care, and they are counted when they die. For this reason, the
mortality rate skews higher than it really is.

There were also some patients who died in the hospital from Wuhan flu but
the death was ascribed to some other cause. I think this happened more
often in the early weeks. It is happening less often now. I think I read
that in news reports.

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