In reply to  Jonathan Berry's message of Sat, 15 Feb 2020 10:31:40 +1300:
>To have any idea about how the number of infected and dead compare to
>the lethality of this Virus we need to know two things.
>The mean time it takes someone to die from the virus after it is
>recognized they have it...
>And when most of those healthcare workers were first recognized to be infected.
>We don't have anything like either of those numbers, but as it stands
>if you want to use recovered .vs dead it is about 18% die and 82%
>recover, not that that is perfectly accurate either.
>However maybe in the end we can presume that the true rate lies
>neither ate 1 or 2% not at 18% but somewhere in the middle.
That would certainly explain the unprecedented measures the Chinese government 
is taking to control the spread of the
virus. IMO however, no measure can be perfectly effective. They may slow the 
spread, but eventually it will infect


Robin van Spaandonk

local asymmetry = temporary success

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