UMass Tries Innovative Method To Clean N95 Masks: UV Light
March 27, 2020


On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 11:40 AM Jürg Wyttenbach <> wrote:

> Swiss hospital did approve UV light sterilization for used masks already
> 2 weeks ago...
> Why do these guys no communicate??
> J.W.
> Am 28.03.20 um 16:30 schrieb
> .Mr. Dickenson—
> I find nothing in your comments to disagree with, even the UV lights in a
> HVAC system.  Wednesday I read an item on using UV lights to deactivate
> viruses on N-95 masks.  I will send a link.
> I have long though that a low dose is necessary to allow a weak immune
> system to work to generate anti-bodies before the virus get too many cells
> infected and is reproducing at a rapid rate.
> I  will add to this email with some research and current reporting links
> that address the issues you bring up tomorrow.
> Thanks for your input to this complex world problem.
> Bob Cook
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Jim Dickenson <> <>
> *Sent:* Friday, March 27, 2020 4:55:58 PM
> *To:* <> <>
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Laissez les bon temps rouler -
> Hi,
> Thank you for your thoughts.  I happened to catch your post when I was
> looking for Promed emails in my inbox.
> A discussion that I saw talked about how the size of the virus load (the
> inoculum) may affect disease progression.  They said that getting a few
> virions from touching a handrail may lead to a longer and milder buildup to
> symptoms (if any) than receiving a huge load of virions (for example ,
> being coughed at directly in the face), which may lead to a very rapid
> onset of worse symptoms.  (In the latter case, the immune system has to
> fight many battles at once while trying to learn about the enemy; whereas
> in the first case, it can take some time to learn and mount a response.)
> So the severity of some of these outbreaks may be a direct function of how
> efficiently the infected (both symptomatic and asymptomatic) infected the
> never infected.
> An interesting article about a town in Italy that checked everyone is at
> They actually found people who were infected but were asymptomatic.  Once
> all the infected were quarantined, the infection basically died out.
> IMHO, The big problem in this epidemic is that there are a percentage of
> asymptomatic (or minimally symptomatic) infected people, who go around
> (inadvertently) infecting others.  It's a perfect design from the virus'
> point of view, not so much from ours.  SO it looks like test, test, test
> and isolate all who test positive - symptomatic or not.
> And as we do over here in Asia, everyone wear a mask - whether feeling
> well or not.
> One other thing no one seems to talk about is using UVC lights (LED,
> florescent, deuterium) to disinfect things.  Also there exist florescent
> UVC lights that are designed to fit into HVAC vents to kill bacteria,
> mites, and viruses.
> A comment (on a video) by an electrician in a large building was that when
> the UVC lights in the HVAC ducts were working, the absenteeism reduced by
> 30%, and likewise increased by a similar amount when they were out of order
> (evidently the management took its time repairing things when they broke or
> so I infer).  I know this is anecdotal data, but it begs consideration.
> And it's a cheap solution for all central HVAC systems (even those on
> cruise ships).
> Oh well, my 2 cents.
> Stay well everyone!
> Jim Dickenson
> Kanagawa, Japan
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 12:33 AM Jones Beene <> wrote:
> Mardi Gras this year, as we now realize was a 'perfect storm' for virus
> spread in New Orleans... It seemed at first like a statistical outlier as
> there was a fairly long delay and cause-and-effect are always a politically
> touchy subject.
> This worldwide festival at the start of Lent is also celebrated in Spain
> and Italy and elsewhere, under different names. Italy, Spain and New
> Orleans are three areas of the World where the virus spread extremely
> rapidly.
> Coincidence, omen or what? It is hard to think that all three instances
> are not connected to a common statistical model. OTOH if there is a
> direct connection to the dynamics of viral spread with Carnival, then why
> was Rio, the biggest party of all - left out from the devastation?
> ... or was it?
> Sadly accurate numbers may be hidden away in what is normally a higher
> than average death rate - and the worst viral devastation of all has yet to
> be announced.
> --
> Jürg Wyttenbach
> Bifangstr.22
> 8910 Affoltern a.A.
> 044 760 14 18
> 079 246 36 06

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