Big pharma is really going out of their way to downplay low tech approaches 
which may not “cure” the virus but instead minimize the symptoms to the point 
of avoiding hospitalization.

Here is a good Italian survey of in vitro results which offer a promising 
category of nutritional options (polyphenols) which may very well offer the 
maximum in terms of lowering the symptoms for minimal cost and risk. “No cure 
but no hospitalization” is an attractive compromise for many.

>From all I have read, this polyphenol category actually provides the most 
>promising near term approach if your goal is avoiding hospitalization 
>following a positive test for the infection.

Of course – big pharma gets zero and the economy still suffers – but the hard 
truth is that a real cure and effective vaccine may NEVER materialize. 

Many experts agree with this but will not go the next step and actually 
recommend polyphenols.

From: Jürg Wyttenbach
Ivermectin seems to be the cure of choice!

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