Intravenous vitamin C and steroids  (specifically Methylpredni­solone)
works well on Covid-19. There is a bunch of highly respected doctors
(including pulmonologists) trying to get the word out without much luck.
The treatment has to be started as soon as breathing problems develop.
 see here:

On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 9:40 PM Terry Blanton <> wrote:

> I picked the wrong decade to quit drinking.  :)
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 9:17 PM Jones Beene <> wrote:
>> In Lodi, they recommend 200 mg pycnogenol washed down with a glass of
>> good Zin ... 6 times per day
>> This may not offer a complete cure but who cares? it will definitely
>> mitigate many of the symptoms ;-)
>> Terry Blanton wrote:
>> > Here is a good Italian survey of in vitro results which offer a
>> promising category of nutritional options (polyphenols) ...
>> An apple a day....with covfefe.
>> From wikipedia:
>> *Many foods in a healthy diet contain high levels of naturally occurring
>> phenols
>> <>
>>  in
>> fruits, vegetables, cereals, tea and coffee. Fruits like grapes, apple,
>> pear, cherries and berries contain up to 200–300 mg polyphenols per 100
>> grams fresh weight. The products manufactured from these fruits also
>> contain polyphenols in significant amounts. Typically a glass of red wine
>> <> or a cup of tea or coffee contains
>> about 100 mg polyphenols.[4]
>> <>  *

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