I have no idea why this subject continues to be controversial in the 
slightest. There are any number of carbon arc configurations that produce 
elemental transmutation of carbon to iron. I have done this repeatedly myself. 
The last time, years ago, I used spectroscope grade carbon rods to make sure of 
lack of contamination. And yes, you get magnetically separable particles as a 
result. For those who are wont to believe this must be some sort of magnetic 
pyrolytic graphite, it's easy to test chemically proving that these particles 
are indeed iron. Just dissolve in dilute sulfuric acid, and react with 
potassium ferricyanide. If you get that characteristic Prussian blue color, 
it's iron. Case closed. Incidentally, potassium ferricyanide is now called 
potassium hexacyanoferrate. It wasn't typically called that when I did the 
experiment, but people who call themselves scientists just gotta have meetings 
and change terminology to show how important they are. These are the same bunch 
who will discredit this simple experiment until their dying breath, no matter 
how incontrovertible it is.

     On Monday, April 12, 2021, 06:08:11 PM PDT, William Beaty 
<bi...@eskimo.com> wrote:  
See below, email from 1999.  Also see this physics demo:

  magnetic burned match heads (also a homopolar motor next)

But is this actually an example of ferromagnetic graphite?


From: Eugene F. Mallove, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher
Cold Fusion Technology
P.O. Box 2816
Concord, New Hampshire 03302-2816
Phone: 603-228-4516;  Fax: 603-224-5975

This note concerns what I believe to be an extremely urgent scientific 
matter: Confirmation (or rejection) of carbon-arc-in-air transmutation to 
Fe claims. This parallels the *underwater* carbon arc papers of the 
Bockris group (Nov. 1994 Fusion Technology), Ohsawa in the 1960s, and 
Singh et al (Nov. 1994 Fusion Technology), but is obviously a simpler test 
because it is in air. If it can be confirmed and then assessed as to 
reliability of the production of Fe, we have an astonishingly simple test 
that almost anyone could confirm for themselves -- another great virtue.

A description of the carbon-arc-in-air:

>From The Philosopher's Stone: Michio Kushi's Guide to Alchemy, 
Transmutation, and the New Science,, One Peaceful World Press, 1994. I 
include all the non-biological protocols, but the one of interest here is 
METHOD 3 (the others may be of interest too):


Following is a brief outline of experiments conducted in Japan and France. 
Some of these experiments are physical transmutations and others are 
biological transmutations. These are only examples, and complete 
information will be-come available in the near future.

1. The Transmutation from Na (Sodium) to K (Potassium).

The applied formula: 11Na23 + 8016 >> 19K39

    George Ohsawa and Masashiro Torii, Professor of the Musashino Institute 
of Technology, with several scientists, have achieved this transmutation 
of the atom from Na to K by the following method, first achieved on June 
21, 1964.
    In this experiment, one electric discharge vacuum tube with two poles 
was used. The length of the vacuum tube was 20 cm and the diameter 2 cm. 
Electric poles of several different metals were tested. The power of 
electricity used in this experiment was 60 watts. First, 2.3 mg of Na was 
inserted and sealed in the vacuum tube, and electricity was started 
running through the tube. About thirty minutes later, 1.6 mg of O was 
introduced, and a second later, Na changed into K.
    This result was examined carefully by authoritative testing agencies, 
and the same experiments were performed repeatedly, yielding the same 

2. The Production of Fe (Iron) from C (Carbon) and O (Oxygen).

The applied formula:

2 6C12 + 2 8Ol6 >> (2 14Si28  28Ni56) >> 26Fe56
  [Note: there is nomenclature apparently missing between the Si and the 

George Ohsawa and his associates in Japan succeeded in their experiments 
with several methods to produce Fe from C and O. Later French scientists 
tested similar methods and confirmed the success of the transmutation. 
After creating the method to achieve the most efficient possible 
transmutation, they filed patents accordingly. The following examples show 
only a few methods to accomplish the transmutation from C and O to Fe.

Method 1: Transmutation in Air (A):

Two graphite crucibles (approximately 2.5 x 5 to 6 inches) cover each 
other top and bottom. The upper crucible has a 10 mm hole, surrounded by a 
ceramic ring. The ceramic ring acts as an insulator. Into this hole, a 
carbon rod (0.25 inches in diameter) is inserted until it reaches to the 
carbon powder (2 to 3 grams) placed at the inside bottom of the lower 
crucible. The lower crucible has one or two small holes at the lower part 
of its side wall for air circulation. An iron base placed under the lower 
crucible acts as one electrode pole. The carbon rod acts as another 
electrode pole. As the carbon rod approaches the carbon powder, an 
electric arc arises. Continuing the operation for 20 to 30 minutes, the 
carbon powder changes to Fe.
    In this experiment, the applied electricity is about 35 to 50 volts, 
and 8 to 18 amps, either A.C. or D.C.

Method 2: Transmutation in Water:
    Using two carbon rods (0.25 inches in diameter), create an electric arc 
between them, by striking them on one another in water. This operation is 
performed for 1 to 5 seconds. Then, brown-black metallic powder falls down 
to the bottom of the water, which contains Fe.

The applied electricity is the same as in Method 1.

Method 3: Transmutation in Air (B.):
    Carbon powder is placed on a copper plate, approximately 12 inches 
long, 6 inches wide, and 0.5 inches thick. This plate works as an 
electrical ground. A carbon rod (identical to the carbon rods used in 
Methods 1 and 2) used as another electrical pole, strikes repeatedly the 
carbon powder on the plate, producing an electric arc. The carbon powder 
changes into Fe.
    The applied electricity is the same as in the above methods.

    During the process of transmutation, Ni (nickel) is temporarily 
produced. But
it disappears very soon, for it is an isotope with a radioactive nature. 
life of an Ni isotope is considered approximately 1/lOOOth of a second.
    In these experiments, the degree of transmutation from C and O to Fe is
approximately 5 percent to 20 percent immediately, with a larger 
percentage of
transmutation occurring gradually in the air, which has the effect of 
the metal
  lic powder to below room temperature. The Fe which is produced by this
transmutation is stainless. It does not rust easily. It has also much less
reaction to heat than ordinary iron, due to its composition of 2 Si 
(silicon) as
the formula indicates. This iron was name G.O.S. (George Ohsawa Steel), 
the initials of George Ohsawa by the scientists who worked with this
    All results of the transmutation of Fe have been carefully examined and
analyzed by several methods including: magnetic inspection, spectroscopic
analysis, chemical analysis, and examination by reagent, confirmed by
authoritative testing agencies.

The various researchers who worked on the above (and the biological

George Ohsawa-Philosopher, writer, honorary professor at Nippon 
honorary citizen of Paris, founder and president of Institut des Hautes 
Dialectiques et Scientifiques, Tokyo.

Masashiro Torii-Doctor of chemistry, professor at Musashino Institute of
Technology, Tokyo.

Shizuko Washio-Doctor of biology, professor at Atomi University, Tokyo.

Sanehide Komaki-Doctor of agriculture, professor at Mukogawa University, 

Chikao Narita-Doctor of medicine, president of Tokyo Shibaura Hospital, 

Yuzuru Sasaki-Research member of Institute des Hautes Etudes Dialectiques 
Scientifiques, Tokyo.

Noburu Yamamoto-Research member of Institut des Hautes Etudes Dialectiques 
Scientifiques, Tokyo.


The second  source of a carbon arc in air experiment is from ICCF6:

Kenjin Sasaki from Tokyo, an agronomy consultant from Tokyo distributed a 
interesting protocol which is like METHOD #3. He gave me photos of the 
and the results, which would seem possible for any high-school group to 
I will be publishing these photos and protocols in Infinite Energy #10, 
readers to try it.  In the inimitable "Japanese English" - only slightly 
Sasaki's instructions:


1. Ready for Job

2. Tool    Graphite crucible (four nines purity)
         Carbon rod
         Copper plate (for cooling)
         Tray for water cooling
         Electric welder (100 V, 10 A)
           or Auto Battery and clip leads

3.  Materials    Carbon powder (high purity)
             Cooling water

4. Order of Experiment

A Put 2 to 3 grams of carbon powder in graphite crucible

B Strike electric discharge arc with the electrode, about 1 minute, done 
about 3
to 4 times only (i.e. no more than four times) -- [implies pausing between
1-minute arcs]

5. Inspection

A. Spread remaining carbon powder on paper

B.  Slide magnet under that paper. You can see locus of the magnet -- it 
the iron bits [!!!! - my comment, EFM]

C. Take these [magnetically separated] materials and examine with a 
glass. You will find [among them] a brilliant alloy [!!!!, yes, I have 
photos of
this alloy! - my comment, EFM]

6. Reappearance

This experiment is very easy for young student, literary person, bank man,
woman, etc.

Kenjin Sasaki
942 Hikida, Akiruno-City
Tokyo 197, Japan
Phone:    81-425-59-5371
fax:     81-425-59-4927


If I have the time in the next few weeks and wherewithal, I would like to 
this myself, but I will likely not have the time. I am told by Chris Akbar 
Boston (with the Kushi Foundation) that she has tried the experiment and 
worked for her. She said it is important to keep the amperage between 8 
and 10
amps.  She used an automobile battery charger.

I do not think it is really necessary to have a static tray of cooling 
under a graphite plate or crucible. I imagine that doing the experiment on 
thick graphite plate would work as well.



(((((((((((((((((( ( (  (  (    (O)    )  )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com                        http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits  amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci


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