Perhaps Earth is used as the interstellar equivalent of the island of
St Helena for undesirable aliens.

Or maybe aliens are marooned here by accident because they ventured
too close to some sort of cosmic vortex which hurls them to our solar


On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 9:47 AM Chris Zell <> wrote:
> A few thoughts about UFO’s:
> If I was an Alien, I’d think twice about eating humans or anything else on 
> this planet.  Pollution, toxic metals, plastic residue and God knows what 
> else is in the meat.  Like eating seafood with potential mercury in it.   
> Don’t touch that human, you don’t know where he’s been.
> There have been claims after Roswell that an Alien said they use bodies as 
> ‘dolls’ or remote units – so they can experience things but stay safe – 
> wherever home is.
> There have been claims that Earth is unique in its wild abundance of life and 
> different species. Steven Greer talked about some ET’s picking wild flowers.  
> The Tall Whites seem to use Earth as a way station or interesting place to 
> visit –  with one female visiting here since Monroe was President.
> I also speculate that a telepathic or collective consciousness might be 
> critical in these ET’s because otherwise, they might blow themselves up as 
> that which humans are headed towards.  If they really can immobilize nukes, 
> God speed.  Clinton once said, “I feel your pain” but that needs to be more 
> than metaphorical.
> There is recent speculation that UFO disclosure is being done to give the 
> Military Industrial Complex a new expensive enemy to fight – in building 
> space weapons.  I hope it’s because of the Chinese putting pressure on the 
> Pentagon in a disclosure competition.
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