I think -> most people in general (especially many scientists) are afraid of the idea of ETs. ET signals can easily be picked up using Tesla technology but SETI just ignores them. As my friend Peter Cheasley found out-> Argonaut Peter Cheasley, VE2TPR, sends along this 3.5 GHz detection from 25 October 2011. The diagonal lines in the spectrogram are a signal which is highly Doppler shifted, hence emanating from beyond Earth. The short horizontal signal segment highlighted with the arrow is stable in frequency, hence obviously terrestrial interference. It is not often that a Project Argus station can capture a candidate extraterrestrial signal, and a terrestrial one, in the same image. This picture illustrates most eloquently how easily the wetware between your ears can distinguish between the two. http://www.setileague.org/photos/hits.htm

------ Original Message ------
From: "Jones Beene" <jone...@pacbell.net>
To: "vortex" <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, 28 Jun, 21 At 02:14
Subject: [Vo]: uap report out

Frank - Don't you love the way the brass likes to exert a bit of unnecessary control every story by ignoring the common designation (in wide use by the public - which is UFO) - and inserting their own name?

Why invent "UAP" when UFO is equally unknown and ambiguous, since it adds zero real info, other than a layer of confusion ?

The more interesting detail is that there is apparently some slight correlation between a few of the UAP/UFO sightings and Oumuamua

It is tempting to think of this strange intruder as akin to the "monolith" in "2001" - you know the one.

A Possible Link between ‘Oumuamua and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena <https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-possible-link-between-oumuamua-and-unidentified-aerial-phenomena/>

A Possible Link between ‘Oumuamua and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Avi Loeb
If some UAP turn out to be extraterrestrial technology, they could be dropping sensors for a subsequent craft to... <https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-possible-link-between-oumuamua-and-unidentified-aerial-phenomena/>

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