*A Super New Theory to Explain Superconductivity*
*Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism ^
<https://scitechdaily.com/a-super-new-theory-to-explain-superconductivity/> *|
5 July 2021 | Hiroyasu Koizumi

Posted on *7/11/2021, 7:26:10 AM*

A Super New Theory to Explain Superconductivity


Electricity Superconductivity Concept

A researcher at the University of Tsukuba introduces a new theoretical
model of high-temperature superconductivity, in which electrical current
can flow with zero resistance, which may lead to extremely efficient energy
generation and transmission.

A scientist from the Division of Quantum Condensed Matter Physics at the
University of Tsukuba has formulated a new theory of superconductivity.
Based on the calculation of the “Berry connection,” this model helps
explain new experimental results better than the current theory. The work
may allow future electrical grids to send energy without losses.

Superconductors are fascinating materials that may look unremarkable at
ambient conditions, but when cooled to very low temperatures, allow
electrical current to flow with zero resistance. There are several obvious
applications of superconductivity, such as lossless energy transmission,
but the physics underlying this process is still not clearly understood.
The established way of thinking about the transition from normal to
superconducting is called the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory. In
this model, as long as thermal excitations are kept small enough, particles
can form “Cooper pairs” which travel together and resist scattering.
However, the BCS model does not adequately explain all types of
superconductors, which limits our ability to create more robust
superconducting materials that work at room temperature.

Now, a scientist from the University of Tsukuba has come up with a new
model for superconductivity that better reveals the physical principles.
Instead of focusing on the pairing of charged particles, this new theory
uses the mathematical tool called the “Berry connection.” This value
computes a twisting of space where electrons travel. “In the standard BCS
theory, the origin of superconductivity is electron pairing. In this
theory, the supercurrent is identified as the dissipationless flow of the
paired electrons, while single electrons still experience resistance,”
Author Professor Hiroyasu Koizumi says.

As an illustration, Josephson junctions are formed when two superconductor
layers are separated by a thin barrier made of normal metal or an
insulator. Although widely used in high-precision magnetic field detectors
and quantum computers, Josephson junctions also do not fit neatly the
inside BCS theory. “In the new theory, the role of the electron pairing is
to stabilize the Berry connection, as opposed to being the cause of
superconductivity by itself, and the supercurrent is the flow of single and
paired electrons generated due to the twisting of the space where electrons
travel caused by the Berry connection,” Professor Koizumi says. Thus, this
research may lead to advancements in quantum computing as well as energy

Reference: “Superconductivity by Berry Connection from Many-body Wave
Functions: Revisit to Andreev−Saint-James Reflection and Josephson Effect”
by Hiroyasu Koizumi, 5 July 2021, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel
Magnetism. DOI: 10.1007/s10948-021-05905-y
arXiv.org > cond-mat > arXiv:2105.02364


Condensed Matter ~~---- Superconductivity [Submitted on 5 May 2021] Berry
connection from many-body wave functions and superconductivity:
Calculations by the particle number conserving Bogoliubov-de Gennes

Hiroyasu Koizumi, Alto Ishikawa A fundamentally revised version of
superconductivity theory has been put forward by the present authors since
the standard theory of superconductivity based on the BCS theory cannot
explain superconductivity in cuprates discovered in 1986, and
reexaminations on several experimental results on the conventional
superconductors indicate the necessity for a fundamental revision.

The revision is made on the origin of the superconducting phase variable,
which is attributed to a Berry connection arising from many-body wave
functions. With this revision, the theory can be cast into a particle
number conserving formalism. We have developed a method to calculate
superconducting states with the Berry connection using the particle number
conserving version of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. An example
calculation is made for a model originally built for cuprate

Subjects: Superconductivity (cond-mat.supr-con) Cite as: arXiv:2105.02364
[cond-mat.supr-con] (or arXiv:2105.02364v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] for this

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