Well, taxation everywhere. We know that in best can we get 50 cent of value
for every tax dollar.
We need a simple tax code not a myriad of them to make us all confused. VAT
nothing else is one way. Probably are many other ways.

On Sun, Jan 9, 2022, 15:28 Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> H LV <hveeder...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also buying miles would be a local transaction which would ensure the
>> funds go to the state in which the vehicle is mostly driven.
> Rather similar to buying gasoline in Georgia or South Carolina as you
> drive north.
> A cell phone knows what State you are in. It adjusts the local time. It
> could pay whatever State you happen to be in when you "recharge" the
> mileage.
> The only problem with these schemes is they would require new hardware in
> automobiles. My first suggestion, reading the odometer once a year, could
> be done with existing cars. For that reason, perhaps both schemes could be
> implemented at first, with the annual odometer method phased out when the
> entire fleet of cars is replaced. In Georgia, they used to have annual
> emissions tests that required dynamometers. Around 1990 they began
> connecting to the automobile computer instead, and no longer needed
> dynamometers. By 2015 or so, there were only a few dynamometers left in
> Atlanta. My car needed one, so I had to drive to a seedy neighborhood
> downtown once a year. They phased out the requirement for cars over 25
> years old, then that car abruptly died. I miss it . . .

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