As normal,  more antivax propaganda.  2 and a boost here and still Covid
free.  Only thing is I feel far more liberal than before.  Lol.

On Sun, Mar 13, 2022, 9:16 AM Jürg Wyttenbach <> wrote:

> As some of you might know, the Pfizer jab is highly damaging and so far
> killed/disabled > 100'000 people. The jabs - as studies show - over all did
> not save a single live.
> As a Paper::
> This has been proven by Pfizer itself. But because daddy Biden himself did
> bribe all US journals::
> ::
> No journal ever did report about the Pfizer Phase III 6 months study
> results, that did clearly show more deaths in the vaccine arm. Not included
> are several more direct vaccine  deaths we now find inside the first 10'000
> pages released by FDA. So Pfizer itself did prove extensive damage from its
> jabs.
> So virtually Pfizer damaged the live of > 2'000'000'000 people world wide
> by selling a devastating RNA gene tech chemo therapy as  a "vaccine".
> The Pfizer data now is public: So, after 6 months the Pfizer chemo therapy
> (Called CoV-19 vaccine) did show far more damage than benefit. Pfizer did
> hide several deaths and live long crippled ...Boostered (UK) now get CoV-19
> 3..10x more often than unvaxx. Vaxx New York children face >100x more
> damage than benefit.
> I did announce (on a forum) the post CoV-19 war more than 4 months ago
> when it became clear that all the illegal money accumulated during the
> CoV-19 terror regime can only be secured under fire protection = diverting
> the public from a biological war crime committed by FDA/CDC/US-government
> and the media slaves.
> CoV-19 was a war against the population with the main target to steal tax
> payers money. At no time during the last 2 years CoV-19 was a threat to the
> health of 99.9% of the population.
> Already March 2020 we did know 3 perfect cures that could safe at least
> 99.8% of all lives. (See also Fauci e-mails)
> What the FM/R/J/B mafia did to prevent treatment was::
> Big pharma bribed and threatened to death many doctors: Here the video
> testimony of Dr. Andrew Hill Liverpool that first did promote Ivermectin
> and after death threats and heavy bribing allowed the FM/R/J/B mafia to
> write the conclusion of his "famous" reversed finding paper...
> Do not believe anything about CoV-19 that comes from Lancet, Jamma the
> today's main fake medical CoV-19 science journals.
> I did help as many people I could with treatment and to escape the
> damaging RNA immune stimulation chemo therapy. (Exact terminology according
> Biontec home page - at least until Jan. 2022!)
> If you need  a real vaccine take Novavax or J&J (more risky) or go to
> Cuba!
> J.W.
> On 13.03.2022 13:34, H LV wrote:
> Have faith in "The Science" . All that matters in life is "The Science".
> "The Science" will determine policy.
> Harry
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 10:08 PM Terry Blanton <> wrote:
>> A Lund Univ study in Sweden:
>> Not to panic.  It was in vitro.  But, it wasn't supposed to alter our
>> DNA.  If proved to happen in the body, it could have long term health
>> effects including possible autoimmune effects.
> --
> Jürg Wyttenbach
> Bifangstr. 22
> 8910 Affoltern am Albis
> +41 44 760 14 18
> +41 79 246 36 06

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